_ExtraAir_ 发表于 2022-7-12 17:25
hmmm 你為什麼要切換繁體 我只是輸入法懶得改而已 一會我試試
- kickagainst: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Invalid block placements.
- kickalive: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Too many keep-alive packets.
- kickattackfrequency: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Unlikely fast clicking.
- kickbedleave: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Invalid bed-leave packets.
- kickbow: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Shooting arrows too quickly.
- kickbspeed: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Too fast block interactions.
- kickcaptcha: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Enter the captcha!
- kickchat1: ncp tempkick [player] 1 &c&l(!)&7 Do not spam the server chat (1 minute
- tempkick)
- kickchat5: ncp tempkick [player] 5 &c&l(!)&7 You are not allowed to spam the server
- chat (5 minutes tempkick)
- kickchatfast: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Stop spamming.
- kickchatnormal: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Too many chat messages, take a break.
- kickcommands: ncp tempkick [player] 1 &c&l(!)&7 Do not spam commands (1 minute tempkick)
- kickcritical: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Incorrect movements (Critical cheats?)
- kickfastbreak: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Breaking blocks too fast.
- kickfastclick: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Unlikely inventory interactions.
- kickfastconsume: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Using items too quickly.
- kickfastheal: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Too fast health regeneration.
- kickfastplace: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Placing blocks too quickly.
- kickfly: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Moved unexpectedly.
- kickflyingfrequency: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Kicked for packet spam.
- kickfrequency: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Illegal block-breaking frequency.
- kickgod: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 GodMode?
- kickillegalblockinteract: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Illegal block interactions.
- kickillegalrotations: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Invalid rotations.
- kickimprobable: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Illegal client modifications.
- kickinvaliddata: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Invalid book data.
- kickpacketfrequency: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Too many packets.
- kickpackets: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 You sent too many moves (extreme lag?)
- kickscaffold: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Unnatural block placements.
- kickselfhit: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 You tried to hit yourself!
- kicksuspiciouscombat: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Illegal combat modifications.
- kickvehiclefly: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Unexpected vehicle movement.
- kickwb: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Block breaking out of sync.