[16:47:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems SWORD TEST] Could not load base item data 'Auto-Bind': Could not find stat with ID 'AUTO_BIND'
[17:51:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems SWORD TEST] Could not load base item data 'auto-soulbind': Could not find stat with ID 'AUTO_SOULBIND'
并不行 改文件加上"Auto-Bind"提示是这样的
# Edit soulbound damage when players try to use
# items which are not bound to themselves.
base: 10
per-lvl: 10
# Whether or not soulbound items should be
# kept when a player dies.
keep-on-death: true
# Whether or not soulbound item can be
# dropped by the player
can-drop: false
# The default Soulbind level to apply
# when automatically soulbinding
level: 10
# Here you can disable individual events for when
# Items should automatically soulbind to the player
# (Requires the 'Auto-Bind' stat to be true)
pickup: false
craft: false
click: false
join: true # 'true' recommended