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Cruising through Crystal Cliffs

GeminiTay tells us about her amethyst adventures while building a magical school!
GeminiTay 正在讲述关于修建魔法学院时进行的紫水晶冒险!

What’s better than a wizard school? A wizard school made of precious gems, of course! That’s what YouTuber GeminiTay created while on her roleplaying adventures as a member of the Empires Survival Multiplayer game, broadcasted online for everyone to enjoy. Now that she’s done with season one of the show, where she created her magic academy, we decided to catch up with her now that the season’s over to hear about how the new Caves & Cliffs blocks, especially the shiny new amethyst, became such a big part of her beautiful builds.
还有什么是比一个魔法学院更好的呢?嘿,这我知道,那当然是一个由紫水晶制成的魔法学院!这个魔法学院是油管视频博主 GeminiTay 直播作为帝国多人生存游戏的角色扮演的冒险的一员时,搭建给所有玩家欣赏的,既然她在节目的第一季完成了自己的紫晶魔法学院,于是我们决定向她打听一下在洞穴与山崖更新中的添加的新方块(特别是紫水晶)是如何成为她美丽的建筑中的一部分的。

“I was really excited to try out the new blocks, as I always am! It's fun to experiment with new color and texture options,” she says. “There end up being so many new builds you can create.”

GeminiTay says that she was drawn to amethyst first because it appears in big geodes in the new caves, so it’s not too difficult to get enough to build with. And then there’s moss, which can be grown with bonemeal and turn your whole garden into a beautiful soft green carpet, with cute little bushes too! “They are also blocks that layer well with a lot of other blocks that are already previously in the game, which allows for more interesting build palettes,” GeminiTay adds.
GeminiTay 说,她最初之所以被紫水晶吸引,是因为它出现在一种全新的洞穴——紫水晶洞中,因此,获得足够的紫水晶来进行建筑并不十分困难。还有那些苔藓,它们可以在骨粉的催化下生长,把你的一整个花园变成绿油油的美丽柔软的地毯,还有可爱的小灌木!GeminiTay 补充道:“它们同样也是方块,已经可以和许多已经出现在了游戏中的方块组成风格独特的色彩搭配。”

“With the amethyst and copper being added I found that purpur, a block I previously hadn't used much, was now extremely useful!” The soft purple of the purpur block definitely looks good next to the bright new amethyst colors!


Before she could turn her building space into the sprawling village of Crystal Cliffs, she needed a small home as a base to get started from. “I created a starter house that used calcite and amethyst for the geode look, and I put it on the edge of a cliff. I wanted to inspire my audience to think of using the update to create cool little houses, and I think this starter house achieved that.”

But the amethyst started inspiring her more and more, especially as she developed her character within the Empires SMP. “Eventually I grabbed inspiration from some of my favorite books I've read and movies I've seen, and used that inspiration to influence my building layout.”

GeminiTay made use of all the different purple shades in the game to compliment her amazing amethyst!
GeminiTay 用尽了游戏中所有紫色调的方块来装饰她那神奇的紫水晶学院!

The final build went very far from just a humble home – there’s a cute little village, a castle with imposing towers, a glittering fountain, and even three dragons wheeling overhead! All using a magical purple, of course, to fit the theme.
最后一个建筑远远不是一个小房子 —— 它包括了一个小巧玲珑的村庄、一个有壮观塔楼的城堡、一个闪闪发光的喷泉,甚至还有三条龙在屋顶上呼啸而过!当然,为了符合主题,都用了神奇的紫色。

“We wanted to tell a story with what we were building, so for me, some of my builds were influenced by this,” she says. So, to really give her area of the world that magic academy feel, she looked to real-life architecture like the University of Edinburgh for inspiration. Someone should reach out to those real-life builders and suggest they get into using amethyst…
“我们想把我们的建筑编成故事讲给大家听,所以对于我来说,很多建筑是因此而产生的灵感。”她说道。所以,为了让她的建筑真正拥有像魔法学院一样的感觉,她来到像爱丁堡大学这样的现实建筑中来寻求灵感。还有的人应该联系现实生活中的建筑师,并建议他们用紫水晶盖房子... ...

“The crystal cliffs ended up having such a magical aura to it,” says GeminiTay. “I loved the wizard tower with the three dragons.”
“最后还是紫晶山崖充满了魔法的气息“, GeminiTay 说到,”我喜欢被三条龙环绕的这座巫师塔。“


Building the dragons was one of the biggest tasks in the build, needing a big scaffold to create as well as lots and lots of quartz!“It was worth it though,” GeminiTay says. “Every time I got to elytra fly around my tower, I really felt like a main character of the empire I had created.”
在建筑过程中,如何做好这三条龙,成了最大的挑战之一,因为这需要一个巨大的脚手架和大量的石英块!“这些付出是值得的。” GeminiTay 说道,“每当我身穿鞘翅飞过我建造的紫水晶塔时,我都会感觉,我就是这个庞大帝国的主角。”

With all that hard work, the Crystal Cliffs really feels like somewhere you could go to learn all about potions and divination, or maybe more everyday magic like color coordination and architecture!

As well as hoping her audience will be inspired to build their own amethyst creations, GeminiTay hopes you’ll stay tuned for her future adventures! “Each of us in the SMP are thinking up new stories to tell in our next Minecraft world. There’s lots of fun to be had in Minecraft in 2022, and I'm looking forward to it!”
正如期待她的观众能受此启发去修建属于自己的紫水晶学院一样,GeminiTay 还希望你能在未来继续关注她的冒险之旅! ”在帝国多人生存游戏中的每个人都在构思着下一季生存中将要发生的故事,2022 年的 Minecraft 一定会有更多乐趣,我对此充满了期待!“

【星河皓月丶、满床迷离、昊想钧成、念等4人 译自官网 2022 年 05 月 02 日发布的 Cruising through Crystal Cliffs;原作者 Jay Castello】



本帖最后由 LocusAzzurro 于 2022-9-18 22:06 编辑

SMP 原文没缩写建议不缩写 以及这句话原文的 "while on her roleplaying adventures as a member of" 意思没翻出来
it appears in big geodes in the new caves 新的洞穴 里 的紫晶洞
more interesting build palettes 这里more interesting是一起的,palette可以引申为“颜色的组合”,可以说成“更 独特/奇特/新颖..等等 的色彩搭配”
紫铂块 紫珀块 另外标点并不是要一直按原句放的
Crystal Cliffs 首字母大写,说明是专有名词,就是这个村庄的名称
she needed a small home as a base to get started from 这个base就是字面意思的家/基地 因为是生存服
starter house 的 house应该是屋子
someone should reach out 是有些人应该联系(建筑师) 不是已经联系了

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