
本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2022-1-1 14:30 编辑
Timings Analysis
These are not magic values. Many of these settings have real consequences on your server's mechanics. See YouHaveTrouble's guide for detailed information on the functionality of each setting.
❌ Outdated
You are using Paper-1618 (1.12.2). Update to 1.17.1.
❌ Java Version
You are using Java 1.8.0_271. Update to Java 16.
❌ spawn-limits.animals
Decrease this in bukkit.yml.
Recommended: 5.
❌ max-auto-save-chunks-per-tick
Decrease this in paper.yml.
Recommended: 6.
❌ hopper.disable-move-event
Enable this in paper.yml
❌ non-player-arrow-despawn-rate
Set a value in paper.yml.
Recommended: 60

来自 DMS (Discord)

Timings 服务端配置分析报告 BETA
* 推荐参数来自 botflop,仅供参考
* 请根据实际需求,參照文档调整

「基础优化」 *1
Purpur 相较 Paper 有等价的稳定性、更好的优化,考虑更换

「配置优化」 *4
· (bukkit) spawn-limits.animals 建议减小值, 推荐 5
· (paper) hopper.disable-move-event 建议开启
· (paper) max-auto-save-chunks-per-tick 建议减小值, 推荐 6
· (paper) non-player-arrow-despawn-rate 建议减小值, 推荐 60

by Gideon, took 71.583secs

来自 Gideon

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