本帖最后由 sky_tianle 于 2021-11-19 19:08 编辑
  • 预发布版是 Minecraft Java 版的测试机制,主要是为了收集漏洞反馈,为正式发布做好准备。
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Minecraft 1.18 Pre-Release 3&4
Minecraft 1.18 预发布版 3&4

A Minecraft Java Pre-Release
Minecraft Java版 预发布版

Edit: We've now released 1.18 pre-release 3 with additional bugfixes and some performance improvements. In case you missed it, we've also announced the release date for 1.18! The update is set to release on November 30th, and you can read more about that here . Mark your calendars!
编辑: 我们现已发布了 1.18 预发布版 3,其中包含一些错误修复和一些性能提升。如果您错过它了,我们还公布了 1.18 的发布日期!更新定于 11 月 30 日发布,您可以阅读这里。标记你的日历!

Edit: We've now released 1.18 pre-release 4 with fixes for crashes in the Nether and End dimensions.

编辑: 我们现在发布了 1.18 预发布版 4,修复了下界和末地维度中的崩溃问题

Technical Changes in 1.18 Pre-release 3
1.18 预发布版 3 的技术性修改

  • Starting server.jar with an empty bundlerMainClass will now just validate and extract files, then exit
  • 现在在启动服务端server.jar时指定了空的bundlerMainClass属性时,服务端会只校验并解压文件,然后退出。

Fixed bugs in 1.18 Pre-release 3
1.18 预发布版 3 修复的漏洞

  • MC-109260 - Full-width punctuation characters are rendered incorrectly
  • MC-109260 - 全角标点符号显示不正确
  • MC-185263 - Non full chunks in cache memory “semi-leak”
  • MC-185263 - 被缓存的非完整区块导致内存“半泄露”
  • MC-223840 - Lava blocks from “Lava Aquifers” don’t get updated when a cave cuts through underneath them
  • MC-223840 - 洞穴从熔岩含水层下方穿过时,由熔岩含水层生成的熔岩方块不会被更新
  • MC-231818 - You can no longer use the up or down arrow to navigate between servers in the multiplayer menu
  • MC-231818 - 不能在多人游戏菜单中用上下方向键切换被选中的服务器
  • MC-236740 - Server-side lag spike sometimes occurs when attempting to locate a buried treasure or opening/breaking a chest containing a map
  • MC-236740 - 在尝试使用/locate buried_treasure命令或打开/破坏一个内有地图的箱子时,有时服务端侧会有短暂的卡顿
  • MC-236764 - Lighting lags behind world generation
  • MC-236764 - 光照更新慢于世界生成
  • MC-239397 - Lava pockets generate in icebergs
  • MC-239397 - 熔岩涌泉可以在冰山上生成
  • MC-239610 - Severe world corruption due to 1.18 snapshots failing to deserialize chunks that 1.17 loads fine
  • MC-239610 -  1.18快照在反序列化区块时,世界会被严重损坏,而同样的操作在1.17中正常
  • MC-239682 - Out of memory crash: World generation exhausts Java heap space
  • MC-239682 - 内存耗尽导致崩溃:世界生成耗尽Java堆空间
  • MC-239950 - Feature placement doesn’t check for biomes, causing unnecessary lag
  • MC-239950 - 地物放置时没有检测生物群系,导致不必要的卡顿
  • MC-240229 - Rain and snow fall on the same blocks in a certain height range
  • MC-240229 - 在某个高度范围的方块上会同时下雨和下雪
  • MC-240483 - Foxes that spawn in grove biomes aren’t the snowy variant
  • MC-240483 - 雪林中生成的狐狸不是雪地变种
  • MC-240589 - Game froze for several minutes and then crashed while flying around and loading chunks
  • MC-240589 - 玩家飞行并加载区块时,游戏会卡住几分钟然后崩溃
  • MC-241245 - Generated Deepslate overwrites ore veins (mainly Iron ore veins)
  • MC-241245 - 生成的深板岩会覆盖矿石团簇(主要是铁矿石团簇)
  • MC-241255 - Gigantic Performance Drop after a couple of minutes
  • MC-241255 - 游戏运行几分钟后性能会大幅下降
  • MC-241352 - Directory structure is not consistent between server and client
  • MC-241352 - 服务端和客户端中的目录结构不一致

Fixed bugs in 1.18 Pre-release 4
1.18 预发布版 4 修复的漏洞

  • MC-241774 - Crash when going nether portals or creating a single biome world with nether biomes // java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0
  • MC-241774 —— 进入下界传送门或创建下界生物群系的单一生物群系世界时游戏会发生崩溃// java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0
  • MC-241775 - Crash when going through end portals or creating a single biome world with end biomes // java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException: -5
  • MC-241775 —— 进入末地传送门或创建末地生物群系的单一生物群系世界时游戏崩溃 // java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException: -5
  • MC-241778 - Game crashes or freeze when loading and upgrading the 1.17.1 version of the Superflat world // java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: z: Biome decoration
  • MC-241778 —— 加载并升级1.17.1超平坦世界时游戏崩溃或完全卡住 // java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: z: Biome decoration

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  • 对于正版用户:请打开官方启动器,在「配置」选项卡中启用「快照」,选择「最新快照」即可。
  • 对于非正版用户:请于推荐启动器列表寻找合适的启动器。目前绝大多数主流启动器都带有下载功能。如仍有疑惑请到原版问答板块提问。





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