# Enable or disable CMI economy in general
# In case CMIInjector is present, then this will be set to true automatically.
# Attention! For economy to work properly with other plugins you will need ether an injector or recompiled Vault version.
# You can find both option at top of plugins page
# ATTENTION! If you disabled CMI economy while server was running, you will need to perform full server restart for this to take correct effect and avoid any issues while getting players balances
Enabled: true
# Determines if player needs to confirm money payment by clicking on chat message
Confirmation: false
# Set to true if you want to log money transfers between players
LogEnabled: false
Unknown: true
Transfer: true
# Determines max amount of cheque player can create
# Set it to 0 to remove limit
MaxValue: 1.0E8
# If set to true player will be required to hold peace of paper to create cheque
Paper: true
# When set to true player will be required to have cmi.command.cheque.withdraw permission node to withdraw cheque
Permission: false
# Enable or disable CMI economy in general
# In case CMIInjector is present, then this will be set to true automatically.
# Attention! For economy to work properly with other plugins you will need ether an injector or recompiled Vault version.
# You can find both option at top of plugins page
# ATTENTION! If you disabled CMI economy while server was running, you will need to perform full server restart for this to take correct effect and avoid any issues while getting players balances
Enabled: true
# Determines if player needs to confirm money payment by clicking on chat message
Confirmation: false
# Set to true if you want to log money transfers between players
LogEnabled: false
Unknown: true
Transfer: true
# Determines max amount of cheque player can create
# Set it to 0 to remove limit
MaxValue: 1.0E8
# If set to true player will be required to hold peace of paper to create cheque
Paper: true
# When set to true player will be required to have cmi.command.cheque.withdraw permission node to withdraw cheque
Permission: false ... Injector1.0.2.3.jar
pXiaoD 发表于 2021-8-31 08:57 ...
谢谢大佬 我说怎么一直调都不行原来缺个插件