go-on-even-failure: false
execute-permission: 'commandchain.chains.execute.resource_world_regenerate'
print-permission: 'commandchain.chains.print.resource_world_regenerate'
# ===============================
# 资源世界 resource_world
# ===============================
# To notify the players that the world is going to be regenerated.
- 'run-command say 资源世界即将重置'
- 'run-command say 资源世界即将重置'
- 'run-command say 资源世界即将重置'
- 'delay 100'
# To control the world.
- 'run-command nworldpermissions worlds control resource_world'
- 'run-command say 进入资源世界的入口被神秘的力量阻断了'
- 'delay 100'
# To notify the players that they're going to be teleported.
- 'run-command say 神秘的力量正在将玩家传送出资源世界'
# A count down.
- 'delay 100'
- 'run-command say 3'
- 'delay 50'
- 'run-command say 2'
- 'delay 50'
- 'run-command say 1'
- 'delay 50'
# To teleport all the offline players first.
- 'run-command nworldpermissions tp offline resource_world spawn'
- 'run-command say 离线玩家已被传送出资源世界'
# Another count down.
- 'delay 100'
- 'run-command say 3'
- 'delay 50'
- 'run-command say 2'
- 'delay 50'
- 'run-command say 1'
- 'delay 50'
# To teleport all the online players now.
- 'run-command nworldpermissions tp online resource_world spawn 2'
# To teleport all the offline players again. (There may be players that get offline between the previous teleport commands.)
- 'run-command nworldpermissions tp offline resource_world spawn'
- 'run-command say 所有玩家都被传送出资源世界'
- 'delay 100'
# To start regeneration.
- 'run-command say 资源世界开始重置'
- 'run-command mvregen resource_world -s --keep-gamerules'
- 'run-command mvconfirm'
# A long delay to make sure the world have been regenerated before the next commands.
- 'delay 1200'
# To uncontrol the world.
- 'run-command nworldpermissions worlds uncontrol resource_world'
- 'run-command say 阻断资源世界的力量已消失'
- 'delay 1200'
# ===============================
# 资源下界 resource_world_nether
# ===============================
# To notify the players that the world is going to be regenerated.
- 'run-command say 资源下界即将重置'
- 'run-command say 资源下界即将重置'
- 'run-command say 资源下界即将重置'
- 'delay 100'
# To control the world.
- 'run-command nworldpermissions worlds control resource_world_nether'
- 'run-command say 进入资源下界的入口被神秘的力量阻断了'
- 'delay 100'
# To notify the players that they're going to be teleported.
- 'run-command say 神秘的力量正在将玩家传送出资源下界'
# A count down.
- 'delay 100'
- 'run-command say 3'
- 'delay 50'
- 'run-command say 2'
- 'delay 50'
- 'run-command say 1'
- 'delay 50'
# To teleport all the offline players first.
- 'run-command nworldpermissions tp offline resource_world_nether spawn'
- 'run-command say 离线玩家已被传送出资源下界'
# Another count down.
- 'delay 100'
- 'run-command say 3'
- 'delay 50'
- 'run-command say 2'
- 'delay 50'
- 'run-command say 1'
- 'delay 50'
# To teleport all the online players now.
- 'run-command nworldpermissions tp online resource_world_nether spawn 2'
# To teleport all the offline players again. (There may be players that get offline between the previous teleport commands.)
- 'run-command nworldpermissions tp offline resource_world_nether spawn'
- 'run-command say 所有玩家都被传送出资源下界'
- 'delay 100'
# To start regeneration.
- 'run-command say 资源下界开始重置'
- 'run-command mvregen resource_world_nether -s --keep-gamerules'
- 'run-command mvconfirm'
# A long delay to make sure the world have been regenerated before the next commands.
- 'delay 1200'
# To uncontrol the world.
- 'run-command nworldpermissions worlds uncontrol resource_world_nether'
- 'run-command say 阻断资源下界的力量已消失'