
DEEP DIVESTheLegend of the Screaming Goat尖叫山羊的传奇

A Caves & Cliffs Story一个关于洞穴与悬崖的故事
Lee came from a family of storytellers. They took any chance they could get – gathered around the dinnertable, huddling around a roaring fire, or just passing the timeduring a long trip. All the stories had some truth to them, but afterbeing passed down from generation to generation, it was only natural for somedetails to be lost and others embellished. But one story never changed. 小李出身于一个故事世家。 他和他的家人抓住每一个机会来讲故事– 聚在餐桌旁边讲故事,围在篝火旁边讲故事,甚至在旅游的时候也会讲故事打发时间. 每一个故事都对他们有很大的意义,一代接一代,故事中的许多细节不可避免地遗失了或者被添油加醋。但是有一个故事,从未被改变。
Several centuries ago, one ofLee’s ancestors had been trekking across a mountain ridge. Lost andhungry, the ancestor was ready to give up as the sun started to set. Allof a sudden, a sound rang out across the snowy peaks. The piercing screamwas like a second wind for the ancestor, who used the last of theirenergy to climb to the top. Even if it was the last thing they saw, they neededto find the source. 几个世纪之前,小李的一位祖先正在山岭中跋涉时迷路了。眼看着太阳渐渐落山,他的肚子也空了。突然,一声尖叫从积雪的山顶传来。凄厉的尖叫就像大风一样再次刮进他冰冷的内心,他已经太累了,没有力气爬到山顶了。就算是这样,他也要看看这声音是从哪里传来的,即使这可能是他此生看到的最后一眼。
It was a goat.

The majestic beast lifted its head tothe skies and let out another guttural scream. The ancestor was soentranced that they didn’t notice the goat taking charge until it was toolate. The goat rammed its mighty head into the ancestor, causing themto fly off the mountain. As the ancestor fell, they too let out ascream. But that scream wasn’t their own, it sounded just like thegoat’s. 这头雄伟的野兽抬起头,向天空用喉咙再次发出了一声吼叫。祖先陷入了恍惚,以至于没有意识到这头山羊正在蓄力。一切都太晚了,这头山羊用自己有力的脑袋撞向了这位祖先,把他从山上撞了下去。山岭中再次响彻了一声尖叫,这声尖叫不像人,倒是更像山羊发出的。
The legend stated that the ancestorawoke at sunrise in a flower biome with a full health barand an inventory filled with leather armor. Lee didn’t know how muchof that part was true, but for centuries the family had taught their childrenthat screaming goats brought good fortune. This was the origin of thefamily business, who would go forth to craft the finest leather armor in theentire Overworld.当他在日出的鲜花从中醒来的时候,他发现他有了生命条和放了皮革装甲的背包,传奇故事,就此开始。 小李不知道这一段有多少是真的,但是几百年来他的家族中都流传着尖叫的山羊会带来幸运的传说。这就是他的家族生意的起源,为全世界打造最好的皮革装甲。
"**RGH!!!"“ 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊呃嗯!!!”

Decades passed without ascreaming goat sighting, which some people believed to be thereason that the family business had started to wane. Lee wasfinally old enough to set out on their own adventure, and theyonly had one goal in mind. Find a screaming goat to bring thebusiness back on track.几十年过去了,再也没有人见到过尖叫山羊。许多人因此认为家族生意要开始衰落. 与此同时,小李也长大了,有能力自己外出探险,但他只有一个目的:找到尖叫山羊,重振家族产业雄风。
On the day of their soloadventure, Lee woke up early. Nervous but not in a particularly badway, they made sure their inventory was full of anything that along, arduous trip would require. Plenty offood, extra tools, a new compass, a spyglass, a mapthat led back home, and Lee’s trusted bucket. You never knowwhen you need a bucket, especially when exploring perilous heights. 在他终于要独自探险的那一天,他起了个大早,虽然有点紧张但是没那么糟。他确认了这趟注定艰苦的探险所需要的一切都放进了背包—许多食物,额外的工具,一个新的指南针,一副望远镜,一张能带他回家的地图,还有他最信赖的桶。你永远不知道你在探索一座危险的高山的时候何时需要用到桶。
Lee walked for what felt like hoursbut then finally, a mountain top came into view. Looking up, Lee couldhear different sounds coming from the towering cliff but none that resembled ascream. However, a familiar hissing sound was growing louder andlouder, which urged Lee to start climbing. Soon enough, snowstarted to fall and Lee could feel the cold in theirbones. Before the sun set, Lee dug a shelter into the sideof the mountain to keep hostiles out. They made sure to add a window forpeeking (and natural light) and an automatic iron door for easy access(and extra flair). 小李走了好几个小时,山顶终于映入了他的眼帘。 放眼向上看,他能听到不同种声音从陡峭的悬崖传入他的耳朵,但是其中没有任何一种听着像尖叫。然而一股熟悉的嘶嘶声越来越响,这让小李禁不住往往上爬。 过了一会,山上飘起了大雪,小李感到了砭骨的严寒。 太阳下山之前,他在山边挖了个坑作为庇护所,以免遭受敌对生物的袭击,他还建造了一个窗户以此来观察外界和采光,还有一个方便的自动铁门,可真是有探险天赋啊。
Lee continued to explore the mountainrange for a few days. Next to the shelter, they set up camp, puttingout a crafting table, a few cauldrons, and a composter. They even built alittle perch where they could watch over the mountain in peace. Thefirst goat that Lee spotted took their breath away. Like a cloud with legs.Legs that moved much faster than expected, which was duly noted byLee.

Through their spyglass, Lee watched asgoats playfully roamed the ridge. Jumping up and down, climbingimpossibly steep angles, and ramming other mobs with glee. Lee notedthat everyone was a target except for shulkers and othergoats. They really were fascinating creatures to study. As timepassed, Lee started observing all the mobs that roamed themountain. Cows lumbered. Zombies stalked. Baby zombies stalkedadorably. Lee recorded it all. 透过望远镜,小李看到了山羊们在山上到处漫游,上上下下地跳来跳去,爬上人们不可攀登的陡峭崖壁,然后快乐地顶其他生物。除了潜影贝和别的山羊之外都是它的“受害者”。 这真是一个值得研究的生物啊,随着时间流逝,他开始观察在山上漫步的所有生物,牛聚集在一起,僵尸和悄悄走着,小僵尸紧随其后。小李把这一切都记录了下来。
When Lee’s food inventory startedrunning low, they ventured out and managed to milk a goat. Even though Lee washappy for the milk that filled their bucket, they couldn’t help but feel alittle disappointed when the goat didn’t so muchas bleat. But the milk helped craft an exceptional cake, sothere was no reason to complain. 当小李物品栏里的东西开始渐渐消耗光,他打算去冒险挤一些山羊奶。虽然令人高兴的是他打满了一桶羊奶,但他因为这些山羊没叫一声而有些失落。他用这些羊奶做了个很棒的蛋糕,也就再没抱怨太多了。
After a few more days, Lee’s inventorywas almost depleted, and it was getting very difficult toignore the homesickness that was setting in. It was time toreturn home. Lee wasn’t empty handed, there were plenty of stories totell. Like the goat that had rammed a pig clear off the mountain. Leewould never forget it, like a pink balloon soaring throughthe sky. Oinking through the air. Majestic. 几天之后,他的背包已经要见底了,思乡之情也开始涌现。该回家了,小李没有空手而归,他有许多故事可以讲,就像山羊把一头猪撞飞到山下,仿佛粉色气球一样在天空中划过让就他十分难忘。那头猪在天上还哼哼叫,壮观。

Cheered by the memory, Lee prepared toleave as soon as the sun rose. What items could be left behind? Thecrafting table might help a future traveler and there was no reason to bringthe cauldrons that had stood empty for the past couple ofdays. As Lee climbed into bed, snow started to fall. 这样想着,他决定在日出之后就下山。与此同时他决定把一些东西留下来。合成台对后来的旅行者可能有用,放着吃灰的坩埚也没必要带了,当小李爬进被窝,雪花再次飘了下来。
The next morning, Lee hearda strange sound. They jumped out of bed and rushed outside, only to be medby an entire herd of goats. Although the creatures hadn’t posed a threatbefore, seeing them in such a big group brought chills down Lee’s spine.Looking around for an escape route, Lee noticed that the cauldrons hadfilled with snow. Maybe a little friendly snowball fight would distractthe herd and allow Lee to get off the mountain unscathed and with a greatstory to boot! 第二天一早上,小李就听到了奇怪的声响。他马上下床冲了出去,刚出门就被挤入一群山羊之中。纵使这些生物没有展现之前的威胁,他还是吓得脊柱发凉。也许友好地打个雪仗能让他安全下山吧,还能再讲一个很棒的故事!
Thinking fast, Lee got their bucket out andfilled it with the cauldron’s contents. In their rush, they almost didn’tnotice that the bucket wasn’t filled with regular snow. Itwas powder snow! Lee wasn’t sure how powder snow worked, but thegoats were closing in and there was no time to think. Taking a chance, Leetossed it at the goats before refilling it and repeating the process.Lee backed away when there was a small wall of powder snow thatseemed to act as a wall. The goats did not sound pleased. They avoidedit and before long, they got bored and started to wander in a differentdirection. As Lee breathed a sigh of relief, one goat turned and startedrunning back. 这么想着,小李掏出了他的桶。当他把坩埚中的东西装到桶里的时候他甚至没有发现那并不是普通的雪,而是细雪!他也不知道细雪是怎么一回事,但是山羊群正在逼近,没时间思考了,他把细雪抛出去,形成了一堵矮墙,这些山羊看起来并不高兴,它们避开了这堵墙,开始朝其他方向徘徊。正当小李舒了口气的时候,一只山羊转了回来并冲向了他。

It ran towards the powder snow walland before Lee could react, the goat leapt into the air and jumped right overto their side. Lee froze. Their eyes locked. Snow started tofall. 它在小李反应过来之前径直冲向了雪墙,跳向空中并正好落在小李旁边,四目紧紧相对,这时,雪花又开始飘落。
The goat let out ascream. 山羊尖叫了一声
Lee screamed back.小李朝着山羊吼了回去
They barely had time to register thatthe sound that came from their mouth wasn’t their own. Just like the legendhad foretold, the goat’s scream echoed from Lee as the goat rammedthem straight into the powder snow. 他根本顾不上记记住这声音根本不是自己的,就像传说里所讲的那样,山羊叫声的回音在那里回荡,同时山羊把他拱入了细雪里面。
Lee felt like they were in an icy fogand felt a cold like no other take hold oftheir body. They could feel the damage as they stoodfrozen, but finally started to move out of thesnow slowly when they heard the goats running away. Leesearched their inventory for something warm but only found a pair of leather boots.They would have to do. Lee pulled them on and took a step, bracingthemselves to sink into the cold once more. But Lee did not sink, thistime they remained on top of the powder snow. Letting out a joyousscream, this time in their own voice, Lee did a little dance on topof the powder snow. 小李感觉自己就像一只冻青*蛙,一股别样的寒冷控制了他的身体,他能感受得到来自这股寒冷的伤害,最终,他在山羊走远之后从雪堆里爬了出来。他试图从物品栏找到能让他暖暖身子的东西,结果只找到了一双皮革鞋子。就这样了吧,小李把靴子穿上,但是他没有再陷进雪里,而是停在了细雪上面。用他自己的声音发出了欢呼,小李在雪上面跳起了舞。
Lee hopped down, filled theirbucket with powder snow and headed back home. The journey seemed to flyby, with Lee rehearsing the story of the screaming goat and thepowder snow over and over in their head.小李一蹦一跳地下了山,把他的桶装满细雪然后回了家。旅途就这样结束了,小李脑子里回想着尖叫山羊和满头的细雪的故事。
That evening, everybody gatheredaround the fire to welcome Lee back home. They told their tale,but realized that the screaming goat was only part of a bigger picture. AsLee started to describe their journey, all the other goats and mobs that theyhad studied seemed to take center stage. They had loved watching them throughthe spyglass, taking notes on their different quirks androutines. 那天晚上,小李的家人们围着他欢迎他回家。他讲了整个故事,虽然尖叫山羊只是这个故事之中的一部分,其他的动物和山羊才是重点。他喜欢通过望远镜观察这些生物,记下这些生物的特点和行为规律。
In the following months, the familyreinvented their leather armor business thanks to the powder snow. Leefound themself drawn in a different direction and made time for moreadventures, studying mobs in different biomes all over the Overworld. Overtime, Lee filled countless books with their observations, thoughts, andstories. Maybe one day, they would be able to share their findings withothers. Just like the legends in Lee’s family, they weren’t sure how much wasaccurate. But they knew this for sure – if a goat screams at you, allyou can do is scream right back. 在接下来的几个月里,多亏了细雪,他的家庭重新捡起了皮革护甲产业。小李发现他自己喜欢上了去别的地方探险,研究不同群系的生物。之后,他把自己的冒险经历写进了许许多多的书中,也许有一天他能够和别人分享他的经历,就像李家族的那段传奇一样,他不知道这段故事是否会准确流传,但是有一件事很明确,当你遇到一头山羊向你吼叫,你也吼回去。

【StreamReader 译自官网 2021年05 月25 日发布的 TheLegend of the Screaming Goat;原作者 Sofia Dankis】【本文排版借助了:SPX



TRely 发表于 2021-5-26 12:34





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