本帖最后由 1628872797 于 2021-5-18 19:49 编辑

Lost in the labyrinth

This Escher-inspired maze will turn your brain upside down!


A long time ago, before phones were a thing, it was easy to get lost in mazes. But that was part of the excitement: entering this labyrinth of hedges, or corn, or sometimes just large obstacles that you couldn't quite see over, and knowing that you might not see your parents again for some time, and you might have to eat your little brother to survive. That's a universal experience, right?
在很久很久以前,手机尚未普及的时候,人们很容易在迷宫中迷失。但让人兴奋的部分同样在此: 闯入迷宫般的树篱,玉米丛,或者有时只是其他一些无法逾越的障碍,并且会有好一段时间见不到你的父母。到那时你可能不得不吃掉你年幼的弟弟以求生存。这经历很普遍,对不对?

Nueva Escosia Warriors are a team of Minecraft builders who banded together to create something spectacular for a maze-building competition, and, just like real mazes, they wanted it to be baffling, complex, and incomprehensible. Instead of corn, though, they used Minecraft blocks to create "The Relativity", a work inspired by the art of MC Escher (you know, the guy who draws all those impossible shapes).
Nueva Escosia Warriors是一个由Minecraft建筑师们组成的团队。他们一起致力于为迷宫建筑比赛建造一些十分壮观的作品,或是,一座真正的迷宫。他们希望这座迷宫让人觉得复杂,困惑,难以理解。受莫里茨·科内利斯·埃舍尔(就是那个创造了许多不可能形状的人)艺术作品的启发,他们用Minecraft的方块代替了玉米丛,创造了作品“相对论”。

The Relativity is their latest build in what they call the "Perico Cinematic Universe": a world entirely of their creation, which has its own continents, history, and deities. One of those deities is called "Takh'manh", the God of Chaos, and it's Takh'manh who presides over The Relativity. He created this maze to "make fun of humans", you see, much like farmers create hedge mazes to trick people into paying them money to get lost for fun.
相对论是他们名为 佩里科电影宇宙 系列作品的最新作: 一个完全由他们创造的世界,拥有自己的大陆,历史,还有神灵。其中一个神灵被称为 塔赫曼(Takh'manh) ,混沌之神,他主宰着这座迷宫。他创造这座迷宫的初衷只是为了 拿人类取乐 ,你看,就像农民们用树篱做迷宫,不也只是为了骗点人们的钱财并且让他们迷失在娱乐之中吗?

This maze, built almost entirely in dazzling white quartz, is the realm of Takh'manh, and he would prefer it if you didn't leave. As a result, the maze is not just a maze, but has many puzzles, parkour challenges, and traps along the way that you have to solve if you ever want to escape. Like MC Escher's drawings, there are upside-down staircases, confusing geometry, and almost-impossible shapes everywhere. Because the maze is so huge, and because it's all white, it's easy to get disoriented - and that's the point!
这座迷宫几乎完全由耀眼的白色石英打造,这是塔赫曼的领域,他乐于看到你无法逃离这座迷宫。结果是,迷宫不只是单纯的迷宫,如果你想逃离这座迷宫,还有许多难题等着你,比如跑酷和陷阱,你必须先解决他们才能逃离出来。就像莫里茨·科内利斯·埃舍尔的艺术作品一样,这里充斥着颠倒的楼梯,混乱的几何图形,以及几乎不可能的形状。并且迷宫十分庞大,而且几乎都由白色组成,这意味你十分容易迷失方向 —— 这正是设计时的重点!

Luckily for players, the maze is abandoned, so climbable vines are everywhere . Unluckily for players, the maze is also full of lava.

It's not easy to build a maze, though, especially when your goal is a maze so hard that it was literally built by the God of Chaos as a trap. "We knew what we wanted to create," the team says, "but the execution was not planned at all." Minecraft wasn't made to be built upside-down, after all, and the team had a lot of difficulty trying to make the architecture look like it was on the ceiling.
建造一座迷宫并不容易,尤其是当你的目标是建造一座混沌之神作为陷阱的十分困难的迷宫 。 我们知道我们要造什么, 这个团队说, 但在实际建造时并没有按预期计划来 因为Minecraft并不适合建造上下颠倒的建筑,所以团队在制作颠倒建筑时遇到了许多困难。

"In the vertical axis, some blocks, like the stairs, can rotate and look good – but rotating the other two axis to make it look like it's sideways was more intricate!"
在垂直轴上,一些方块,比如楼梯,可以正常的旋转 —— 但在另外两轴上,旋转起来却会十分复杂!

You may be thinking, "Well, hang on... MC Escher was a genius, and I'm just a person who plays a lot of Minecraft. How on earth does anyone create something like this without a plan?"
可能会想, 等下,莫里茨·科内利斯·埃舍尔是个天才,而我只是一个玩Minecraft的普通人。我该怎么在没有计划的情况下创造出这样的作品?

The answer is: time, practice, and collaboration. Nueva Escosia Warriors actually used a tool called Maze Maker Deluxe, which helped them figure out a layout. From there, it was just a matter of building something lovely on top of it – a process which took the team 2-3 weeks of working for a few hours each night. "You do not need to be the best builder," they say. "For us, Minecraft is not just a game, it is a way to tell our stories and make our own worlds."
答案便是: 时间、实践,以及合作。Nueva Escosia Warriors其实使用了名为Maze Maker Deluxe的工具来帮助他们制作迷宫的布局。以此为基础,他们只需要在上面制作一些美化建筑即可 —— 他们每晚工作几个小时,持续了2-3周的时间。 你不必成为顶级建筑师, 他们说。 对我们来说,Minecraft并不只是个游戏,而是讲述我们的故事和创造我们的世界的方式。

The Relativity is absolutely gigantic, so there's lots of room for secrets, Easter Eggs, and one neat little surprise: Perico the cockatiel, the unofficial mascot of the Perico Cinematic Universe. Keep an eye out for him while you explore!

Once you've completed the winding maze and escaped back to your worried parents, the fun doesn't end there. The maze itself is modular, meaning that you can take it apart like an IKEA sofa and put it back together again however you like. That means it's not only infinitely replayable, but you can also challenge your friends with your own custom Relativity maze. You're the God of Chaos now!

【1628872797 译自官网 2021 年 05 月 17 日发布的 Lost in the labyrinth;原作者 Kate Gray】

2021.12 数据,可能有更多内容

MINECRAFT BUILDSLost in the labyrinth

This Escher-inspired maze will turn your brain upside down!
A long time ago, before phones were a thing, it was easy to get lost in mazes. But that was part of the excitement: entering this labyrinth of hedges, or corn, or sometimes just large obstacles that you couldn't quite see over, and knowing that you might not see your parents again for some time, and you might have to eat your little brother to survive. That's a universal experience, right?
在很久很久以前,手机尚未普及的时候,人们很容易在迷宫中迷失。但让人兴奋的部分同样在此: 闯入迷宫般的树篱,玉米丛,或者有时只是其他一些无法逾越的障碍,并且会有好一段时间见不到你的父母。到那时你可能不得不吃掉你年幼的弟弟以求生存。这经历很普遍,对不对?
Nueva Escosia Warriors are a team of Minecraft builders who banded together to create something spectacular for a maze-building competition, and, just like real mazes, they wanted it to be baffling, complex, and incomprehensible. Instead of corn, though, they used Minecraft blocks to create "The Relativity", a work inspired by the art of MC Escher (you know, the guy who draws all those impossible shapes).
Nueva Escosia Warriors是一个由Minecraft建筑师们组成的团队。他们一起致力于为迷宫建筑比赛建造一些十分壮观的作品,或是,一座真正的迷宫。他们希望这座迷宫让人觉得复杂,困惑,难以理解。受莫里茨·科内利斯·埃舍尔(就是那个创造了许多不可能形状的人)艺术作品的启发,他们用Minecraft的方块代替了玉米丛,创造了作品“相对论”。
The Relativity is their latest build in what they call the "Perico Cinematic Universe": a world entirely of their creation, which has its own continents, history, and deities. One of those deities is called "Takh'manh", the God of Chaos, and it's Takh'manh who presides over The Relativity. He created this maze to "make fun of humans", you see, much like farmers create hedge mazes to trick people into paying them money to get lost for fun.
相对论是他们名为“ 佩里科电影宇宙 ”系列作品的最新作: 一个完全由他们创造的世界,拥有自己的大陆,历史,还有神灵。其中一个神灵被称为 “ 塔赫曼(Takh'manh) ”,混沌之神,他主宰着这座迷宫。他创造这座迷宫的初衷只是为了 “ 拿人类取乐 ”,你看,就像农民们用树篱做迷宫,不也只是为了骗点人们的钱财并且让他们迷失在娱乐之中吗?

This maze, built almost entirely in dazzling white quartz, is the realm of Takh'manh, and he would prefer it if you didn't leave. As a result, the maze is not just a maze, but has many puzzles, parkour challenges, and traps along the way that you have to solve if you ever want to escape. Like MC Escher's drawings, there are upside-down staircases, confusing geometry, and almost-impossible shapes everywhere. Because the maze is so huge, and because it's all white, it's easy to get disoriented - and that's the point!
这座迷宫几乎完全由耀眼的白色石英打造,这是塔赫曼的领域,他乐于看到你无法逃离这座迷宫。结果是,迷宫不只是单纯的迷宫,如果你想逃离这座迷宫,还有许多难题等着你,比如跑酷和陷阱,你必须先解决他们才能逃离出来。就像莫里茨·科内利斯·埃舍尔的艺术作品一样,这里充斥着颠倒的楼梯,混乱的几何图形,以及几乎不可能的形状。并且迷宫十分庞大,而且几乎都由白色组成,这意味你十分容易迷失方向 —— 这正是设计时的重点!
Luckily for players, the maze is abandoned, so climbable vines are everywhere . Unluckily for players, the maze is also full of lava.

It's not easy to build a maze, though, especially when your goal is a maze so hard that it was literally built by the God of Chaos as a trap. "We knew what we wanted to create," the team says, "but the execution was not planned at all." Minecraft wasn't made to be built upside-down, after all, and the team had a lot of difficulty trying to make the architecture look like it was on the ceiling.
建造一座迷宫并不容易,尤其是当你的目标是建造一座混沌之神作为陷阱的十分困难的迷宫 。“ 我们知道我们要造什么,” 这个团队说,“ 但在实际建造时并没有按预期计划来 ” 因为Minecraft并不适合建造上下颠倒的建筑,所以团队在制作颠倒建筑时遇到了许多困难。

[aimg=https://www.minecraft.net/content/dam/games/minecraft/screenshots/litl-1.jpg] [/aimg]
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"In the vertical axis, some blocks, like the stairs, can rotate and look good – but rotating the other two axis to make it look like it's sideways was more intricate!"
“ 在垂直轴上,一些方块,比如楼梯,可以正常的旋转 —— 但在另外两轴上,旋转起来却会十分复杂!”

You may be thinking, "Well, hang on... MC Escher was a genius, and I'm just a person who plays a lot of Minecraft. How on earth does anyone create something like this without a plan?"
你可能会想,“ 等下,莫里茨·科内利斯·埃舍尔是个天才,而我只是一个玩Minecraft的普通人。我该怎么在没有计划的情况下创造出这样的作品?”
The answer is: time, practice, and collaboration. Nueva Escosia Warriors actually used a tool called Maze Maker Deluxe, which helped them figure out a layout. From there, it was just a matter of building something lovely on top of it – a process which took the team 2-3 weeks of working for a few hours each night. "You do not need to be the best builder," they say. "For us, Minecraft is not just a game, it is a way to tell our stories and make our own worlds."
答案便是: 时间、实践,以及合作。Nueva Escosia Warriors其实使用了名为Maze Maker Deluxe的工具来帮助他们制作迷宫的布局。以此为基础,他们只需要在上面制作一些美化建筑即可 —— 他们每晚工作几个小时,持续了2-3周的时间。“ 你不必成为顶级建筑师,” 他们说。“ 对我们来说,Minecraft并不只是个游戏,而是讲述我们的故事和创造我们的世界的方式。 ”[album]
[aimg=https://www.minecraft.net/content/dam/games/minecraft/screenshots/litl-4.jpg] [/aimg]
[aimg=https://www.minecraft.net/content/dam/games/minecraft/screenshots/litl-6.jpg] [/aimg]
[aimg=https://www.minecraft.net/content/dam/games/minecraft/screenshots/litl-7.jpg] [/aimg]
The Relativity is absolutely gigantic, so there's lots of room for secrets, Easter Eggs, and one neat little surprise: Perico the cockatiel, the unofficial mascot of the Perico Cinematic Universe. Keep an eye out for him while you explore!
Once you've completed the winding maze and escaped back to your worried parents, the fun doesn't end there. The maze itself is modular, meaning that you can take it apart like an IKEA sofa and put it back together again however you like. That means it's not only infinitely replayable, but you can also challenge your friends with your own custom Relativity maze. You're the God of Chaos now!

【1628872797 译自官网 2021 年 05 月 17 日发布的 Lost in the labyrinth;原作者 Kate Gray】






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