本帖最后由 zyjking 于 2021-5-10 20:50 编辑

A brief-ish history of the Nether

What were we thinking??

Have you ever been to the Nether? I accidentally yet gracefully fell into a portal the other day and all of a sudden, I was surrounded by lava and a pack of Piglin s started chasing me. The amount of lava bordered on gratuitous and I did not appreciate the Ghast that screamed back at me. When I finally made it back to the safety of my chicken-filled pit, I dutifully added this to my list of things to change around here. If I was going to get rid of the Nether, I would have to find out everything I could about it. This was conflicting, as learning is constructive (yuck!) but would give me the chance to bother some of the developers (yay!).

Look into the face of this sweet strider, it tells you everything you need to know about the Nether.

The first shock came when I discovered that the Nether didn’t exist in the very first version of the game, it was voluntarily added as a map in 2010. This means that it wasn’t just there all along and we did our best to add stuff to make the game less terrifying. It was added to make it more terrifying. Who would greenlight this, why would anyone even want to go there at all?

I love that Nether is so different from Overworld. I go to Nether either because I want an extra challenging adventure, or because I want to gather some nice Nether resources.

—— Agnes Larsson, 首席开发者

Resources, eh? That’s just a fancy word for stuff, which I like. Alright, I can almost see the appeal. Let’s take a look at some of the items that were added early on in order to lure players to their demise next adventure.

Since I am the oldest soul at Mojang Studios and have a very sandy complexion, I am obviously drawn to the first block that was added to the Nether, soul sand.

I can’t believe I have to travel to a dark place to find the brightest light source, is my life just a joke to you developers? Do not answer that.

This isn’t even a block you can mine, it’s a hostile mob called the magma cube. THAT’S JUST MEAN.

Let me get this straight. Not only were there misleading block shaped mobs and deceptive sand, this cursed dimension is also crawling with ghasts and zombified piglins. And people went still went there on purpose?

Yes, so we updated it!

—— Agnes

Et tu, Agnes? I thought the Nether Update was just a fever dream, but I guess I didn’t just dream that I was bartering with a particularly rude piglin after attempting to mine netherite. Don’t even get me started on the hoglins. They know what they did. Let’s take a nice stroll through the forests together with Agnes instead.

“One fond memory is when we added the atmosphere particles for the Crimson Forest. I just made quite an ugly hack in the code to see how it could look – and it looked really good, even on the first iteration! I didn't expect the particles to add that much to the atmosphere, but they did! I think it was at that moment I truly started to like the Crimson forest and get that nice feeling of "oh, this prototype will be good!" – Agnes
一个妙极的回忆,我只是用了一个脏手段给绯红森林加入大气粒子,没想到看起来居然不错,在首次迭代也是如此!我没想过会加入粒子会带来大气的感觉!我想就是在当时才真正爱上了绯红森林,并有了好,这个原型会很不错的感觉。—— Agnes

“A less fond memory, more of a haunting nightmare really, is the naming of the Crimson and Warped forests. It was very tricky, we changed our minds so many times. I tried to include lots of different team members, I asked my Twitter followers for words (at the time they didn't know what the words would be used for) and I also asked amazing colleagues from other teams at Mojang Studios for name suggestions and feedback. We ended up having a quite long list of suggestions, but then we just removed suggestion after suggestion, there was always something that felt wrong!” - Agnes
一个不太好的回忆,或者说一场噩梦,就是绯红和诡异森林的命名。这玩意非常棘手,改过好多次。我让很多人都试了下,还跑去推特问粉丝们的看法(当时他们不知道这个词的用处)甚至向其他团队征求意见和反馈。最终拿到了一个相当长的列表,接下来就是一个个排除的时候了,因为这些名字总感觉怪怪的!—— Agnes

“Finally, we decided on two names and it felt very good, but then there was always someone who had very good input on why it WASN'T good. And this happened again and again?! It was challenging, but at least I really like the names we finally decided to use and now, when thinking back on how tricky it was to pick the names, I almost start to laugh a little bit. So, well, I guess the haunting nightmare turned into a fond memory in the end.” -Agnes
最终,我们确定了两个感觉很棒的名字,但总有人提出名字不太好的糟糕的见解,而且这种事情在不断发生?尽管很有挑战性,但至少我很喜欢这名字,现在回想起选这麻烦事时,我总是忍不住想笑。总而言之,我猜这个不安的噩梦最后变成美好的回忆了。—— Agnes

Will this madness never end? That’s it, I am abandoning Agnes in the woods. I wonder what’s going on with Minecraft: Dungeons these days.
这种破事不会画上句号吗? 那我就把Agnes扔在森林里吧。还有,我不知道地下城最近发生了些啥。

I am super excited for everyone to be able to play the Dungeons Nether and explore it!

—— -Laura de Llorens,高级设计师

Wait a minute. The Nether is in Dungeons as well? But I’m already here! It’s too late to turn back! Laura, please tell me that the Dungeons Nether is really different from Vanilla and not scary or filled with lava.

The main difference, I would say, are the art possibilities we have in Dungeons – the lighting, the glowing vegetation, the VFX... It allowed us to make the nether lusher in some places and spookier in some others! I would say the most challenging has been trying to convey the feeling of the Vanilla Nether, while giving it the Dungeons touches. It has been tricky at times to find the right balance, but I think the final result turned out great!


Now you tell me. OK, I need to get myself together so I can figure out how to get out of here. I’ll just take a seat on this block and think of a plan.

I cannot believe I fell for this again! I need to get away from this sentient block as quickly as possible. A task that would have been made much easier if there weren’t lava everywhere. We really did bring a lot of stuff over from the Vanilla Nether. Is there even anything left over there? I need some help, why didn’t the rest of the Editorial Team come with me? We have cross-platform play for a reason! Oh, good. Here comes some nice piglins with what looks like a snack. A picnic would really hit the spot right now.

I did not sign up for a food fight! Or did I? This place is pure chaos! I’m getting attacked left and right, I can’t tell up from down, and I keep getting distracted by all these nice new Gilded items. Don’t judge me, you wouldn’t be able to keep your eyes off enchanted gold stuff either. Hold on. Did you hear that? It almost sounded like a ghast, but nobody would be reckless enough to have brought them all the way over to Dungeons.

You mean to tell me that not only are there ghasts here, but I now have a baby ghast as a pet? The audacity. How am I supposed to continue my campaign against the Nether when I have this adorably albeit terrifying mob in my care? This almost feels like it was planned in order to thwart the very real threat that I posed to the Nether’s existence. There have got to be clues to this conspiracy, maybe they’re hiding in the Dev Diaries episode about the Flames of the Nether DLC .

I hope that we all learned something from this ordeal so that I didn’t burn most of my hair off for nothing. On the other hand, I am enjoying this strider chic vibe that I now have, so maybe the Nether isn’t all bad. It does make for an exciting adventure and the resources are pretty sweet. I think I’ll just narrow my campaign down from getting rid of the Nether to banning all magma cubes, or at least renaming them to Sentient Deception Blocks.

【Zyjking 译自官网 2021 年 03 月 08 日发布的 A briefish history of the Nether;原作者 Sofia Dankis】



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