- showTo: all
- priority: 0
- showHeaderFooter: true
- header:
- - '&7&l▶ &8[&f像素工艺&8] &f- &a1.8-1.14 &7&l◀'
- - '&7&l▶ &8[&f像&e素工艺&8] &f- &a1.8-1.14 &7&l◀'
- - '&7&l▶ &8[&f像素&e工艺&8] &f- &a1.8-1.14 &7&l◀'
- - '&7&l▶ &8[&f像素工&e艺&8] &f- &a1.8-1.14 &7&l◀'
- - '&7&l▶ &8[&f像素工艺&8] &f- &a1.8-1.14 &7&l◀'
- - '&7&l▶ &8[&f像素工&e艺&8] &f- &a1.8-1.14 &7&l◀'
- - '&7&l▶ &8[&f像素&e工艺&8] &f- &a1.8-1.14 &7&l◀'
- - '&7&l▶ &8[&f像&e素工艺&8] &f- &a1.8-1.14 &7&l◀'
- headerAnimationUpdateInterval: 0.2
- footer:
- - '&7&l▶ &a官方群:&f746426764'
- # Configure whether hidden players appear on the tab list
- # see https://github.com/CodeCrafter47/BungeeTabListPlus/wiki/Hidden-Players
- hiddenPlayers: VISIBLE_TO_ADMINS
- playerSets:
- all_players: all
- type: FIXED_SIZE
- size: 60
- defaultIcon: colors/dark_gray.png
- defaultPing: 1000
- components:
- - {text: "&9&l&m#--&8&m-----------------", icon: "colors/gray.png", ping: 0}
- - {text: "&8&m---------------------", icon: "colors/gray.png", ping: 0}
- - {text: "&8&m-----------------&9&l&m--#", icon: "colors/gray.png", ping: 0}
- - !players_by_server
- playerSet: all_players
- serverSeparator:
- -
- -
- showServers: ALL
- playerComponent: "${player vault_prefix}${player name}${afk_tag}"
- morePlayersComponent: {text: "&7... and &e${other_count} &7others", icon: "colors/gray.png"}
- - !spacer {}
- -
- -
- - {text: "&7指令 &b/hub &7返回大厅", icon: "default/clock.png", ping: 0}
- - {text: "&6总共 &7&l[&f&l${playerset:all_players size}&7&l] &6名玩家", icon: "default/players.png", ping: 0}
- - {text: "&f当前本人延迟: &7${viewer ping}", icon: "default/balance.png", ping: 0}
- # Custom placeholders are a powerful mechanism to add more dynamic content
- # to the tab list.
- # See https://github.com/CodeCrafter47/BungeeTabListPlus/wiki/Custom=Placeholders
- customPlaceholders:
- afk_tag:
- !conditional
- condition: ${player essentials_afk}
- true: "&7|&oaway"
- false: ""
- viewer_colored_ping:
- !conditional
- condition: "${viewer ping} < 150"
- true: ${viewer_colored_ping0}
- false: "&c${viewer ping}"
- viewer_colored_ping0:
- !conditional
- condition: "${viewer ping} < 50"
- true: "&a${viewer ping}"
- false: "&e${viewer ping}"