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The Golden Retreat

The most colorful pirate pit stop in the Caribbean!

Shiver me timbers! Wait… Does anyone know what 'shiver me timbers' actually means? What are my timbers? Do I really want them 'shivered'? Is there some Pirate-to-English dictionary we can use to figure out what exactly Blackbeard and his peg-legged friends are saying?
船要散架了(吓我一跳)!诶... 有人知道“shiver me timbers”到底是什么意思吗?“My timbers”(船体框架)是说啥?我真的想让它 “Shivered”(晃)起来嘛?能不能让我们查查那种海盗语-英语辞典,看看这位黑胡子“船长”和他的假肢“船员”们到底说的是啥?

While we wait for Google Translate to add the pirate language to their database, you can visit the pirate haven of Swiftbeatz’sGolden Retreat and maybe learn a bit of the lingo for yourself! Before crafting this safe space for swashbucklers, Swift started Minecraft-ing on the Playstation 3, where he discovered imitation is the highest form of flattery and the easiest way to learn.
在等着谷歌上线海盗语在线翻译的同时,咱们可以来看一看海盗的“庇护所” —— Swiftbeatz 建造的黄金避风港 ,说不定在里面就学会了几句海盗语了呢。在为这群恃强凌弱的“冒险家”们开辟安全新天地之前,Swift 先是在 PS3 上开启了他的 Minecraft 之旅。他发觉,模仿前人的作品是学习技巧,提升技能的最佳方式。

“My first building projects were copying tutorials off YouTube and making my own versions,” he tells me.

Minecraft’s capacity for boundless creativity appealed to Swift the most. Like the pirates of old, Swift loved the freedom of the open seas - the blank canvas Minecraft provides to the let the mind explore.
Minecraft 无限的创造力让 Swift 无法自拔。他,也和过去那恣意的海盗一样,深爱着大海的自由自在 —— 而 Minecraft,则为这自由灵动的思想提供了创造的舞台。

“I really enjoyed the freedom of it, being able to make whatever I wanted,” he explains. “A lot of what I did was inspired by those YouTube videos I watched, like setting up my own Hunger Games maps and making them work with redstone. In the early years, I was really obsessed with redstone contraptions.”

From there, Swift decided to pursue plunder in brighter waters and the Golden Retreat was born.
也是从那开始,Swift 就决定,要(让自己的思想)在空旷的海域上,恣意掠夺。也正因如此,黄金避风港这一杰作诞生了!

“I wanted to make something really colorful and unique. As the name suggests, this place is a retreat for pirates returning from their long voyages at sea. I crafted the islands to work as a kind of shield, with tall ridges and rocks, making it difficult to attack. There’s also an old castle lookout tower to keep watch for the Royal Navy or maybe rival pirates that looking to take over.”

Safe from the King’s Justice and other pirates looking for booty, the Golden Retreat is the perfect place for the weary pirate to catch a breath... and maybe a bath. After long months at sea cooped up below deck with all your pirate buddies? Yeah, you’d probably be pretty ripe, and I don’t mean for eating. Well... unless all the food on your ship ran out, of course...
远离国王的统治,远离敌方的掠夺,黄金避风港可谓是疲惫的海盗们歇歇脚,喘口气的好地方。也许他们还能在闷在船舱里,跟同伙们一起漂着混了好几个月之后,好好地去洗个澡...?嗯... 似乎你全身上下透露出了“成熟”的气息了呢,但我不是在说可以将你作为食物...好吧... 除非真是船上没东西吃了...(译注:ripe双关,指几个月不打理自己,味道重,后者应该是在强调那种恶劣的,缺少食物的环境下...)

Yo ho ho! I'm only joking! There are no cannibals at the Golden Retreat!That we know of . Just a lot of color and Swift’s personal style philosophy!
呦!呵!呵!我跟你开玩笑呐!在黄金避风港这里可没有食人族。这一点我们还是知道的。这里,只有炫目的色彩,以及 Swift 独特的审美哲学!

“I've always been about building for uniqueness and color, regardless of realism. I try to do something that brings a new perspective into building, something that hasn't been seen before. I realize now that a lot in this build is kinda out of proportion but I was never trying to have it be proportional. I’m way more focused on making sure, no matter what, to do what I think looks good.”

Avast! Arrr! Actually, I don't know what those piratey terms mean either! I really should've asked for a pirate-to-normalspeak dictionary for Christmas.

Anyway, you can see for yourself how good this retreat looks, Jack Sparrow would feel right at home. In fact, this probably is Jack Sparrow’s home.
不管怎样,你自己来看看这座避风港是多么的闲适吧,身处其中,就连杰克·斯帕罗(Jack Sparrow)都会感觉如家一般轻松自在。事实上,这里可能就是这位“船长”的家啊。

“The only reference I had for this was the building style from a friend and the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.”

Drink up me hearties, yo ho ho! Should we maybe end this article now, before I spend 80,000 more words indulging in sterotypical pirate wordplay?


Renders by fixy and iRoboMatic
鸣谢渲染图提供者:fixy 和 iRoboMatic

【c7w 译自官网 2018 年 01 月 10 日发布的 The Golden Retreat;原作者 Ash Davis】
感谢 ff 酱的指教!







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