- # Configuration relative to quests
- quests:
- # Time in seconds before the quest tracker switch
- changeTime: 10
- # If enabled and the player has no quest launched, the scoreboard will disappear until the player starts a new quest
- hideIfEmpty: true
- # If enabled, scoreboard lines containing {questName} or {questDescription} will be automatically refreshed whenever the quest tracker is refreshed
- refreshLines: true
- # Lines contained in the scoreboard
- # Available parameters:
- # * value: the value of line, surrounded by '
- # -> special placehlolders: {questName} and {questDescription}
- # * refresh: time in seconds before the line is refreshed (useful with dynamic placeholders)
- # * length: max length of the line, if the number of characters exceed this limit the line will be split
- lines:
- - value: ''
- - value: '&6{questName}'
- - value: ''
- - value: '{questDescription}'
- length: 30
所以我想到把BeautyQuests的计分板的变量给写到Miao计分板上面去,这样接任务也能看到了,可惜并没有什么用= =
- lines:
- - ' '
- - '&7&m————}&c&n《测试RPG》&7&m}————'
- - ' '
- - '&8♦目前人数♦: &c%server_online%/%server_max%'
- - ' '
- - '&6♦你的ID♦: &7%player_displayname%'
- - '&6♦你的称号♦: %deluxetags_tag%'
- - ' '
- - '&6♦你的等级♦: &2%player_level%'
- - '&6♦升级所需♦: &a%player_exp_to_level%经验'
- - ' '
- - '&6$小钱包$:&e%vault_eco_balance%'
- - '&6♦你的位置♦:&c%multiverse_world_alias%'
- - ' '
- - '&6%beautyquests_started_ordered%'
- - '&6%questName%'
- - '&6%questDescription%'
- - '&7%server_time_yyyy_MM_dd%'
不知道各位有没有什么办法解决= =
好吧,都没人来解答= =
随后来的是延迟触发的奖励指令/miaoboard off先是关闭
接着是延迟触发/miaoboard on再次开启计分板
也算是完美解决问题了= =
随后来的是延迟触发的奖励指令/miaoboard off先是关闭
接着是延迟触发/miaoboard on再次开启计分板
也算是完美解决问题了= =