本帖最后由 mamaruo 于 2020-11-15 22:01 编辑

Later this month we will be finalizing the CurseForge transition to Overwolf! To prepare for this, we want to let you know about expected downtime for Curseforge, including support and moderation. Here’s what you need to know:
本月末,我们将最终完成 CurseForge 向 Overwolf 的迁移!为此, CurseForge 的某些功能将被暂停,包括支持和审核。以下是你需要知道的:

  • On 11/24, will be temporarily closed until early December. No new cases will be able to be created on or after this date until the transition to Overwolf is complete. In the interim, any support requests should be tweeted to @Curseforge.
  • 11月24日, 将暂时关闭,12月初开放。在此日期当天或之后,不能创建新的支持请求,直至迁移完成。在此期间,请发送支持请求至推特账号@Curseforge。
  • On 11/24, manual project moderation will be paused. All content requiring manual moderation submitted on or after this date will be queued to be reviewed once manual moderation is reinstated.
  • 11月24日,暂停人工项目审核。恢复人工审核后,24日当天或之后提交的所有需要人工审核的内容都将排队等待审核。
  • On 11/30, Curseforge will enter read-only mode at 6AM PST. Curseforge is expected to stay in read-only mode throughout the week, and full functionality is expected to return by early December.
  • 11月30日,太平洋标准时间上午6点(北京时间当天22点——译注),CurseForge 将进入只读模式。CurseForge 预计在该星期会持续只读模式,在12月初恢复全部功能。

Once CurseForge is transferred to Overwolf — which we expect to begin on 11/30 — Overwolf will be reopening support and manual moderation as quickly as possible. Their current plan is to have everything back up and running by early December.
CurseForge 向 Overwolf 的迁移预计将于11月30日开始。迁移完成后,Overwolf 会尽快重新开放支持和人工审核。他们目前的计划是在12月初恢复所有功能并开始运行。

原文发表于 CurseForge News,2020年11月15日,题为 Important Curseforge Support, Moderation, and Site Availability Updates(《重要更新:支持、审核和网站可用性》),作者 Chris Hubbard,CurseForge。
译者:mamaruo,原文的 Curseforge 均译为 CurseForge。

既往报道:Announcing a New Home for CurseForge (《官宣 CurseForge 的新买主》)
如果你是 CurseForge 上的创作者,可能会关心这篇新闻: Important Curseforge Reward Program Updates(《重要更新:CurseForge 奖励计划》)。来自群组: MC百科

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