本帖最后由 封徵 于 2020-10-8 11:49 编辑

Realms Plus: October
Realms Plus上新:十月

The latest maps, skins, and adventures from the Minecraft Marketplace!
(市场内容包名称翻译均为简体中文版 Marketplace 显示名称,非本人翻译)
Per Landin

Sweater weather, an abundance of apples, and overpriced (yet so yummy) pumpkin spice lattes. You guessed it – it’s October, the month when we all celebrate the weird and the wicked by dressing up in monstrous outfits and playing with spooky new content on Realms Plus. Not familiar with that second part? Shame, because we’ve just added five terrific pieces of content to Realms Plus for you to sink your teeth in. My lawyer told me to mention that I don't mean that literally. Let's check 'em out!
抵御冷风的毛衣,堆积如山的苹果,还有价格疯涨的南瓜香料拿铁 —— 你猜到了吧,十月,来啦!在这个月份里,我们欢庆诡异和邪恶,换上可怖的服装,然后来 Realms+ 里试试骇人的全新内容包。不清楚我说的内容包都是些什么?啊抱歉,因为我们刚刚为 Realms+ 新增了五张全新的恐怖向内容包,保证让你 身临其境 。我的律师告诉我要提醒下你们,我的话没别的意思,别多想。让我们马上来看看吧!

Docklands: Roleplay by Monster Egg Studios
达克兰:角色扮演 作者:Monster Egg Studios

By now, you’ve probably tried Minecraft roleplays in all sorts of places: bustling cities, ancient fantasy kingdoms, heck, even skyblock islands (is that a thing?). That is why Monster Egg Studios has created Docklands: a waterfront area full of fresh seaside scenarios where you can roleplay to your heart’s content. Whether you want to have a party at the beach or just tour the cruise ship, it’s sure to beat all your previous adventures – no offense to your skyblock adventures.
迄今为止,也许你已经在 Minecraft 尝试过各种情境下的角色扮演游戏了:繁华都市、奇幻王国,甚至是空岛(那也算吗?)。这也是 Monster Egg Studios 制作《达克兰》的缘由所在:一处满溢清新之气的海滨,而你可以在其中尽情游玩。不论你是打算举办一场海滨派对或是只是在游轮上打转,它给你的体验都一定会超越你所经历过的所有冒险地图 —— 此处无意冒犯你的空岛冒险地图。

Anime Cool Teens by Black Arts Studio
酷炫动漫少年 作者:Black Arts Studio

Have you ever wanted to look like an anime character? Me too, we have so much in common! While I did put much effort into it, all the dyes and hairspray in the world couldn’t give me that perfect bishounen complexion. Good thing there’s Anime Cool Teens, a skin pack from Black Arts Studio that includes 14 whole skins inspired by anime culture. I would like to react with a OwO, but my superiors won’t let me.
你曾想要变成一位动漫人物的模样吗?我也想!尽管我做了多次尝试,但世界上所有的发胶和染料都没办法让我化身成为一位完美无瑕的美少年。幸好我还有 Black Arts Studio 出品的《酷炫动漫少年》皮肤包,提供了14张启发自动漫文化的皮肤。我真的很想回一个 OwO 表情,可我的上司不让。

Dragons by InPvP
龙 作者:InPvP

“You don’t want to play with dragons!” is something my old knight mentor, Huberth the Dragonslayer, used to tell me. That was before I asked him to try Dragons by InPvP – and now he’s so hooked he is changing his name to Huberth the Dragonlover! Take to the skies together with one of six different dragons and explore a 400x400 custom world, complete with three castles and plenty of enemies to breathe fire or drop TNT on!
“你不会想和龙一起玩的!”这是我的年老的骑士导师,屠龙者休伯斯曾告诉过我的话。那是在我让他玩 InPvP 制作的《龙》之前 —— 而现在,他已经沉迷其中无法自拔了,而且他还改了个名,叫做“屠龙者休伯斯”!与六条龙一同翱翔天际,去探索一个400x400的自定义世界吧 —— 勇闯三座城堡,并用喷火或是丢出TNT来击败众多敌方单位吧!

Teens! by Pixel Squared
青少年!作者:Pixel Squared

Valentine’s Day may be far away (130 days to be precise), but love is definitely in the air when you put on the stylish skins in Teens! by Pixel Squared. Wear a unicorn onesie, something all black, or coordinate your style to match it with your best friend. My best friend thinks I have poor taste, so I’ll show him by calling dibs on that onesie!
情人节也许已经过去了(准确来说过了130天),但爱却满溢在空气中 —— 只要你换上了 Pixel Squared 出品的《青少年!》皮肤包里的新潮皮肤!换上独角兽连身衣,一身纯黑或是和你最好的朋友一起搭配出你们的风格。我最好的朋友认为我品味太差了,而我会用这件连身衣证明我自己的!

The Haunted Neighborhood by PixelHeads
闹鬼的社区 作者:PixelHeads

A fan of horror? Jumpscares? Making friends with monsters that want nothing but to end you? Then this story-driven adventure is just what you need to get into that Halloween vibe. This once-quiet neighborhood nestled neatly in the forest has suddenly gone dark, and it’s up to you to figure out why. An easy task, if it weren’t for the werewolves, ghosts, vampires, creepy clowns, and the Grim Reaper roaming the area. Tread carefully!
热衷于恐怖和尖叫?想要和那些只想要了结你的怪物们做个朋友?那么这个线性冒险将带给你最佳的万圣节氛围。这个曾经祥和坐落于森林之中的社区突然被黑暗笼罩,而你要做的就是发现一切的真相。这应该还算挺简单的 —— 如果没有那些狼人、鬼魂、吸血鬼、恐怖小丑还有死神游荡其中的话。千万小心!

Subscribe to Realms Plus!
订阅 Realms Plus!

Eager to jump into these maps? You’ve seen but a glimpse of it all! By subscribing to Realms Plus, you and up to ten friends can enjoy over 100 pieces of content on Minecraft Marketplace – including adventures, skin packs, worlds, mini-games, and much more. Not enough? We update it regularly, adding new content to the line-up every month. Visit the Realms Plus site for more information on how you can join the fun!
想要马上试试这些内容包?你可只瞥见了冰山一角啊!订阅 Realms Plus,和最多十位朋友一起享受来自 Minecraft 市场的百余张内容包 —— 内含冒险地图、皮肤包、观赏性世界、小游戏等等。还不够?我们还会为其定期更新,每月内容包阵容里都会有新面孔。访问 Realms Plus 官网了解更多信息吧!

【封徵 译自官网 2020 年 10 月 06 日发布的 Realms Plus: October;原作者 Per Landin】






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