先去找 mobevents.cfg
# Configuration file
# global
# These are various settings that apply to all events.
global {
# Maximum time in ticks until a random event can occur. 20 Ticks = 1 Second.(随机事件发生之前的最长时间)
I:"Default Max Ticks Until Random Event"=720000
# Minimum time in ticks until a random event can occur. 20 Ticks = 1 Second. (发生随机事件之前的最短时间)
I:"Default Min Ticks Until Random Event"=360000
# The default temporary time applied to mobs spawned from events, where it will forcefully despawn after the specified time (in ticks). MobSpawns can override this. (持续时间)
I:"Default Mob Duration"=6000
# If random events are enabled, they wont occur until this day is reached. Set to 0 to have random events enabled from the start of a world.
I:"Default Random Mob Events Day Minimum"=0
# Set to false to completely disable the entire event system for every world.
B:"Mob Events Enabled"=true
# Set to false to disable random mob events for every world.
B:"Random Mob Events Enabled"=true
先去找 mobevents.cfg
# Configuration file
# global
# These are various settings that apply to all events.
global {
# Maximum time in ticks until a random event can occur. 20 Ticks = 1 Second.(随机事件发生之前的最长时间)
I:"Default Max Ticks Until Random Event"=720000
# Minimum time in ticks until a random event can occur. 20 Ticks = 1 Second. (发生随机事件之前的最短时间)
I:"Default Min Ticks Until Random Event"=360000
# The default temporary time applied to mobs spawned from events, where it will forcefully despawn after the specified time (in ticks). MobSpawns can override this. (持续时间)
I:"Default Mob Duration"=6000
# If random events are enabled, they wont occur until this day is reached. Set to 0 to have random events enabled from the start of a world.
I:"Default Random Mob Events Day Minimum"=0
# Set to false to completely disable the entire event system for every world.
B:"Mob Events Enabled"=true
# Set to false to disable random mob events for every world.
B:"Random Mob Events Enabled"=true