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Whether you're a Minecraft veteran or a player so new to the game you haven't even found the button on this site to buy it yet (it's in the top left corner btw), joining a multiplayer server can be a great way to improve your building skills and make new friends. That's just two of the aims of MC Buildcon, a community-run server event returning for its fourth year this Friday, from the 14-18th of April.
"Buildcon is basically an online convention," explains Jordan Lavialle, Buildcon 2017 Director. "We try to get as many people as possible to come along and showcase their building skills, see other peoples skills and see what's new in Minecraft creative. We always try to get panels from content creators and people that are pushing the boundaries."
Panels include many talented community builders we've featured on Minecraft.net before, including Udvio , Necrosys and NewHeaven , sharing their stellar building know-how.
"We've got a panel from Arcaniax this year, the guy behind GoPaint and GoBrush," explains Jordan. "He'll be doing a panel about that kind of development stuff. He's really quite extraordinary with the stuff that he can do." You can take a look at Arcaniax's impressive work here .
Jordan 向我们解释道:“今年我们有个来自Arcaniax的专家,他是GoPaint和GoBrush两款插件的创作者。他准备做关于开发的小组研讨。他能做的事真的非常了不起。”你可以在这里看看Arcaniax的令人惊叹的建筑。"We've also got Minecraft.edu panels - that's becoming quite a big thing within creative," says Jordan. They'll also be running Minecraft masterclasses, to "help people improve and build what they see, and to be able to release their creativity and imagination." So if you're building skills could use improving (there's no shame in admitting it), Buildcon could be the perfect opportunity.

Jordan also makes clear that Buildcon 2017 is an international event. "We've pushed a lot more than other years to to try and get teams from other countries. We've got a team from South America, teams from China, Germany, France, the UK, the US. Minecraft is obviously a global game and Buildcon was feeling predominantly English over the last three iterations."
"We were going out and contacting teams a lot more. Trying to entice them to come and showcase what they've got," says Jordan, of the work he and Vanessa Pearson (co-director and founder of Buildcon, also known as cakeyicing ) have done to make Buildcon more global. "The difference between the different-language speaking teams is quite interesting. You can kind of see the French community has kind of taken its own stance, and it's got its one way of building. The Chinese community, it tends to use a lot of resource packs and stuff. We want to try and bring that all together and mix it up."

Don't be fooled into thinking Buildcon is completely friendly, mind, as a lot of builders will be showing up on Friday to compete against each other. "The contest is teams of three battling, at most, twenty-three other teams of three to be crowned the best team of Buildcon," explains Jordan. "It's to bring a bit of fun and competitivity to the event."
Nothing wrong with a bit of friendly competition! Jordan even thinks it can help you get better at Minecraft. "I feel that building under pressure helps people improve a lot. If a team that maybe isn't so skilled were to battle against a team which is, they'll be able to see where their build might have lacked. That will help improve their building skills."
"It's a bit of fun, and Builders Refuge were really generous in their sponsorship in the prize."
Buildcon isn't affiliated with Mojang, but it's a great event for the Easter weekend! You'll be able to log onto the MC Buildcon server this Friday. For more info, you can follow MC Buildcon on Twitter and find their FAQ here . See you there!
Header and tile image render by Mr Batou
【Ebsky 译自官网 2017 年 04 月 10 日发布的 MC Buildcon 2017 Starts Friday】

MC Buildcon 2017 Starts Friday
于周五开幕的2017年 Minecraft 建筑同乐会 A community server event you don't want to miss!
Tom Stone
Whether you're a Minecraft veteran or a player so new to the game you haven't even found the button on this site to buy it yet (it's in the top left corner btw), joining a multiplayer server can be a great way to improve your building skills and make new friends. That's just two of the aims of MC Buildcon, a community-run server event returning for its fourth year this Friday, from the 14-18th of April.
无论你是MC的元老玩家,还是连购买按钮都没能在这个网站上找到,对它一无所知的萌新玩家(顺便说一下,购买按钮在左上角),加入多人游戏都是个能够提升你的建筑能力,和结交很多新朋友的好方式。这就是MC Buildcon的两个目的,它是个由社区运营的服务器活动,于4月14日至4月18日,将在本周五迎来第四周年。
"Buildcon is basically an online convention," explains Jordan Lavialle, Buildcon 2017 Director. "We try to get as many people as possible to come along and showcase their building skills, see other peoples skills and see what's new in Minecraft creative. We always try to get panels from content creators and people that are pushing the boundaries."
2017年 MC Buildcon 的主管,Jordan Lavialle 向我们解释道:“MC Buildcon 的根本形式是个线上的会议,我们想要聚集尽可能多的人,让他们展示建筑技术,借鉴学习其他人的技术,再看看在Minecraft creative 中有哪些新东西。我们总是尝试邀请内容创作者和挑战极限的人来组成活动专家小组。”
Panels include many talented community builders we've featured on Minecraft.net before, including Udvio , Necrosys and NewHeaven , sharing their stellar building know-how.
专家小组中包含很多我们之前在Minecraft.net上介绍过的有才华的社区建造者,其中包括 Udvio, Necrosys 和 NewHeaven,他们都展示了自己的一流建造技术。
"We've got a panel from Arcaniax this year, the guy behind GoPaint and GoBrush," explains Jordan. "He'll be doing a panel about that kind of development stuff. He's really quite extraordinary with the stuff that he can do." You can take a look at Arcaniax's impressive work here .
Jordan 向我们解释道:“今年我们有个来自Arcaniax的专家,他是GoPaint和GoBrush两款插件的创作者。他准备做关于开发的小组研讨。他能做的事真的非常了不起。”你可以在这里看看Arcaniax的令人惊叹的建筑。"We've also got Minecraft.edu panels - that's becoming quite a big thing within creative," says Jordan. They'll also be running Minecraft masterclasses, to "help people improve and build what they see, and to be able to release their creativity and imagination." So if you're building skills could use improving (there's no shame in admitting it), Buildcon could be the perfect opportunity.
Jordan说道:“我们同样获取了 Minecraft.edu 的专家 - 这正在成为creative领域的重要活动。”他们还将开设运营MC大师班,为了“帮助人们提升建造技术,建造他们所看见的东西,然后让他们能够充分释放自己的想象力和创造力。”所以,如果你认为自己的建筑技巧有待提升(承认这件事并不可耻),MC Buildcon是个绝佳的机会。

Some ace terrain crafted by Killerack to be built on by everyone for the Buildcon community build!由 Killerack 在以Buildcon社区建筑为基础做出的超棒的地形

Look familiar?It's a typically awesome build from Udvio, one of many guest speakersat Buildcon.眼熟么?这是来自 Udvio——来自 Buildcon 众多嘉宾席之一的超棒的代表作

A five day event, covering Easter weekend. Choose what to attend then power nap accordingly.这是个持续5日之久的盛会,包括了复活节那天。选好想参加的节目然后养精蓄锐吧
Jordan also makes clear that Buildcon 2017 is an international event. "We've pushed a lot more than other years to to try and get teams from other countries. We've got a team from South America, teams from China, Germany, France, the UK, the US. Minecraft is obviously a global game and Buildcon was feeling predominantly English over the last three iterations."
"We were going out and contacting teams a lot more. Trying to entice them to come and showcase what they've got," says Jordan, of the work he and Vanessa Pearson (co-director and founder of Buildcon, also known as cakeyicing ) have done to make Buildcon more global. "The difference between the different-language speaking teams is quite interesting. You can kind of see the French community has kind of taken its own stance, and it's got its one way of building. The Chinese community, it tends to use a lot of resource packs and stuff. We want to try and bring that all together and mix it up."
“我们外出联系队伍的次数在增加,试图吸引他们前来展示所拥有的技术,”Jordan 说道。这是他和Vanessa Pearson(Buildcon 的副主任和创始人,也被称为 cakeyicing)为了让 Buildcon 更加国际化而付出的努力。“说不同语言的团队之间的差异是十分有趣的。你可以观察到,法国社区有自己的立场和独特的建造方式。而在中国社区则更加倾向于使用更多资源包和其他东西。我们正想办法去将他们整合,融汇在一起。”

One of the panel rooms, where creators like Udvio and Arcaniax will be speaking. Save us a seat!
Don't be fooled into thinking Buildcon is completely friendly, mind, as a lot of builders will be showing up on Friday to compete against each other. "The contest is teams of three battling, at most, twenty-three other teams of three to be crowned the best team of Buildcon," explains Jordan. "It's to bring a bit of fun and competitivity to the event."
不要误以为 Buildcon 是完全和谐的,记住,因为很多建造者都会在周五现身并互相竞争。Jordan解释道:“这是三人一组的比赛,最多将会有二十三支三人团队被授予 Buildcon 的最佳团队称号。这是为了给活动增加一些竞争性和趣味性。”
Nothing wrong with a bit of friendly competition! Jordan even thinks it can help you get better at Minecraft. "I feel that building under pressure helps people improve a lot. If a team that maybe isn't so skilled were to battle against a team which is, they'll be able to see where their build might have lacked. That will help improve their building skills."
进行一些友谊赛事并非坏事。Jordan 甚至认为这可以帮助你更好的体验 Minecraft。“我认为在有压力的条件下进行建造可以提高建造者的技术。如果一个技术并不是那么好的团队和一个技术很棒的团队对抗,他们将有机会看到自己的作品中可能不足的地方。这将有助于提升他们的建造能力。”
"It's a bit of fun, and Builders Refuge were really generous in their sponsorship in the prize."
“这是很有趣的,而且Builders Refuge在奖品的赞助上非常慷慨。”
Buildcon isn't affiliated with Mojang, but it's a great event for the Easter weekend! You'll be able to log onto the MC Buildcon server this Friday. For more info, you can follow MC Buildcon on Twitter and find their FAQ here . See you there!
Buildcon 并不隶属于 Mojang,但这是复活节周末的一件大事。在本周五,你将能登入 MC Buildcon服务器。需要了解更多相关信息,你可以在 Twitter上关注 MC Buildcon 并在这里找到他们的疑难解答。期待与你在 Buildcon 相会!
Header and tile image render by Mr Batou
头图由Mr Batou渲染
【Ebsky 译自官网 2017 年 04 月 10 日发布的 MC Buildcon 2017 Starts Friday】

MC Buildcon 2017 Starts Friday
Tom Stone
于周五开幕的2017年 Minecraft 建筑同乐会
A community server event you don't want to miss!一个你绝对不愿错过的社区服务器活动!
Tom Stone
Whether you're a Minecraft veteran or a player so new to the game you haven't even found the button on this site to buy it yet (it's in the top left corner btw), joining a multiplayer server can be a great way to improve your building skills and make new friends. That's just two of the aims of MC Buildcon, a community-run server event returning for its fourth year this Friday, from the 14-18th of April.
无论你是MC的元老玩家,还是连购买按钮都没能在这个网站上找到,对它一无所知的萌新玩家(顺便说一下,购买按钮在左上角),加入多人游戏都是个能够提升你的建筑能力,和结交很多新朋友的好方式。这就是MC Buildcon的两个目的,它是个由社区运营的服务器活动,于4月14日至4月18日,将在本周五迎来第四周年。
"Buildcon is basically an online convention," explains Jordan Lavialle, Buildcon 2017 Director. "We try to get as many people as possible to come along and showcase their building skills, see other peoples skills and see what's new in Minecraft creative. We always try to get panels from content creators and people that are pushing the boundaries."
2017年 MC Buildcon 的主管,Jordan Lavialle 向我们解释道:“MC Buildcon 的根本形式是个线上的会议,我们想要聚集尽可能多的人,让他们展示建筑技术,借鉴学习其他人的技术,再看看在Minecraft creative 中有哪些新东西。我们总是尝试邀请内容创作者和挑战极限的人来组成活动专家小组。”
Panels include many talented community builders we've featured on Minecraft.net before, including Udvio , Necrosys and NewHeaven , sharing their stellar building know-how.
"We've got a panel from Arcaniax this year, the guy behind GoPaint and GoBrush," explains Jordan. "He'll be doing a panel about that kind of development stuff. He's really quite extraordinary with the stuff that he can do." You can take a look at Arcaniax's impressive work here .
Jordan 向我们解释道:“今年我们有个来自Arcaniax的专家,他是GoPaint和GoBrush两款插件的创作者。他准备做关于开发的小组研讨。他能做的事真的非常了不起。”你可以在这里看看Arcaniax的令人惊叹的建筑。"We've also got Minecraft.edu panels - that's becoming quite a big thing within creative," says Jordan. They'll also be running Minecraft masterclasses, to "help people improve and build what they see, and to be able to release their creativity and imagination." So if you're building skills could use improving (there's no shame in admitting it), Buildcon could be the perfect opportunity.
Jordan说道:“我们同样获取了 Minecraft.edu 的专家 - 这正在成为creative领域的重要活动。”他们还将开设运营MC大师班,为了“帮助人们提升建造技术,建造他们所看见的东西,然后让他们能够充分释放自己的想象力和创造力。”所以,如果你认为自己的建筑技巧有待提升(承认这件事并不可耻),MC Buildcon是个绝佳的机会。

Some ace terrain crafted by Killerack to be built on by everyone for the Buildcon community build!
由 Killerack 在以Buildcon社区建筑为基础做出的超棒的地形

Look familiar?It's a typically awesome build from Udvio, one of many guest speakersat Buildcon.
眼熟么?这是来自 Udvio——来自 Buildcon 众多嘉宾席之一的超棒的代表作

A five day event, covering Easter weekend. Choose what to attend then power nap accordingly.
Jordan also makes clear that Buildcon 2017 is an international event. "We've pushed a lot more than other years to to try and get teams from other countries. We've got a team from South America, teams from China, Germany, France, the UK, the US. Minecraft is obviously a global game and Buildcon was feeling predominantly English over the last three iterations."
"We were going out and contacting teams a lot more. Trying to entice them to come and showcase what they've got," says Jordan, of the work he and Vanessa Pearson (co-director and founder of Buildcon, also known as cakeyicing ) have done to make Buildcon more global. "The difference between the different-language speaking teams is quite interesting. You can kind of see the French community has kind of taken its own stance, and it's got its one way of building. The Chinese community, it tends to use a lot of resource packs and stuff. We want to try and bring that all together and mix it up."
“我们外出联系队伍的次数在增加,试图吸引他们前来展示所拥有的技术,”Jordan 说道。这是他和Vanessa Pearson(Buildcon 的副主任和创始人,也被称为 cakeyicing)为了让 Buildcon 更加国际化而付出的努力。“说不同语言的团队之间的差异是十分有趣的。你可以观察到,法国社区有自己的立场和独特的建造方式。而在中国社区则更加倾向于使用更多资源包和其他东西。我们正想办法去将他们整合,融汇在一起。”

One of the panel rooms, where creators like Udvio and Arcaniax will be speaking. Save us a seat!
Don't be fooled into thinking Buildcon is completely friendly, mind, as a lot of builders will be showing up on Friday to compete against each other. "The contest is teams of three battling, at most, twenty-three other teams of three to be crowned the best team of Buildcon," explains Jordan. "It's to bring a bit of fun and competitivity to the event."
不要误以为 Buildcon 是完全和谐的,记住,因为很多建造者都会在周五现身并互相竞争。Jordan解释道:“这是三人一组的比赛,最多将会有二十三支三人团队被授予 Buildcon 的最佳团队称号。这是为了给活动增加一些竞争性和趣味性。”
Nothing wrong with a bit of friendly competition! Jordan even thinks it can help you get better at Minecraft. "I feel that building under pressure helps people improve a lot. If a team that maybe isn't so skilled were to battle against a team which is, they'll be able to see where their build might have lacked. That will help improve their building skills."
进行一些友谊赛事并非坏事。Jordan 甚至认为这可以帮助你更好的体验 Minecraft。“我认为在有压力的条件下进行建造可以提高建造者的技术。如果一个技术并不是那么好的团队和一个技术很棒的团队对抗,他们将有机会看到自己的作品中可能不足的地方。这将有助于提升他们的建造能力。”
"It's a bit of fun, and Builders Refuge were really generous in their sponsorship in the prize."
“这是很有趣的,而且Builders Refuge在奖品的赞助上非常慷慨。”
Buildcon isn't affiliated with Mojang, but it's a great event for the Easter weekend! You'll be able to log onto the MC Buildcon server this Friday. For more info, you can follow MC Buildcon on Twitter and find their FAQ here . See you there!
Buildcon 并不隶属于 Mojang,但这是复活节周末的一件大事。在本周五,你将能登入 MC Buildcon服务器。需要了解更多相关信息,你可以在 Twitter上关注 MC Buildcon 并在这里找到他们的疑难解答。期待与你在 Buildcon 相会!
Header and tile image render by Mr Batou
头图由Mr Batou渲染 
【Ebsky 译自官网 2017 年 04 月 10 日发布的 MC Buildcon 2017 Starts Friday】
2021.12 数据,可能有更多内容

MC Buildcon 2017 Starts Friday
于周五开幕的2017年 Minecraft 建筑同乐会 A community server event you don't want to miss!
Tom Stone
Whether you're a Minecraft veteran or a player so new to the game you haven't even found the button on this site to buy it yet (it's in the top left corner btw), joining a multiplayer server can be a great way to improve your building skills and make new friends. That's just two of the aims of MC Buildcon, a community-run server event returning for its fourth year this Friday, from the 14-18th of April.
无论你是MC的元老玩家,还是连购买按钮都没能在这个网站上找到,对它一无所知的萌新玩家(顺便说一下,购买按钮在左上角),加入多人游戏都是个能够提升你的建筑能力,和结交很多新朋友的好方式。这就是MC Buildcon的两个目的,它是个由社区运营的服务器活动,于4月14日至4月18日,将在本周五迎来第四周年。
"Buildcon is basically an online convention," explains Jordan Lavialle, Buildcon 2017 Director. "We try to get as many people as possible to come along and showcase their building skills, see other peoples skills and see what's new in Minecraft creative. We always try to get panels from content creators and people that are pushing the boundaries."
2017年 MC Buildcon 的主管,Jordan Lavialle 向我们解释道:“MC Buildcon 的根本形式是个线上的会议,我们想要聚集尽可能多的人,让他们展示建筑技术,借鉴学习其他人的技术,再看看在Minecraft creative 中有哪些新东西。我们总是尝试邀请内容创作者和挑战极限的人来组成活动专家小组。”
Panels include many talented community builders we've featured on Minecraft.net before, including Udvio , Necrosys and NewHeaven , sharing their stellar building know-how.
专家小组中包含很多我们之前在Minecraft.net上介绍过的有才华的社区建造者,其中包括 Udvio, Necrosys 和 NewHeaven,他们都展示了自己的一流建造技术。
"We've got a panel from Arcaniax this year, the guy behind GoPaint and GoBrush," explains Jordan. "He'll be doing a panel about that kind of development stuff. He's really quite extraordinary with the stuff that he can do." You can take a look at Arcaniax's impressive work here .
Jordan 向我们解释道:“今年我们有个来自Arcaniax的专家,他是GoPaint和GoBrush两款插件的创作者。他准备做关于开发的小组研讨。他能做的事真的非常了不起。”你可以在这里看看Arcaniax的令人惊叹的建筑。"We've also got Minecraft.edu panels - that's becoming quite a big thing within creative," says Jordan. They'll also be running Minecraft masterclasses, to "help people improve and build what they see, and to be able to release their creativity and imagination." So if you're building skills could use improving (there's no shame in admitting it), Buildcon could be the perfect opportunity.
Jordan说道:“我们同样获取了 Minecraft.edu 的专家 - 这正在成为creative领域的重要活动。”他们还将开设运营MC大师班,为了“帮助人们提升建造技术,建造他们所看见的东西,然后让他们能够充分释放自己的想象力和创造力。”所以,如果你认为自己的建筑技巧有待提升(承认这件事并不可耻),MC Buildcon是个绝佳的机会。

Some ace terrain crafted by Killerack to be built on by everyone for the Buildcon community build!由 Killerack 在以Buildcon社区建筑为基础做出的超棒的地形

Look familiar?It's a typically awesome build from Udvio, one of many guest speakersat Buildcon.眼熟么?这是来自 Udvio——来自 Buildcon 众多嘉宾席之一的超棒的代表作

A five day event, covering Easter weekend. Choose what to attend then power nap accordingly.这是个持续5日之久的盛会,包括了复活节那天。选好想参加的节目然后养精蓄锐吧
Jordan also makes clear that Buildcon 2017 is an international event. "We've pushed a lot more than other years to to try and get teams from other countries. We've got a team from South America, teams from China, Germany, France, the UK, the US. Minecraft is obviously a global game and Buildcon was feeling predominantly English over the last three iterations."
"We were going out and contacting teams a lot more. Trying to entice them to come and showcase what they've got," says Jordan, of the work he and Vanessa Pearson (co-director and founder of Buildcon, also known as cakeyicing ) have done to make Buildcon more global. "The difference between the different-language speaking teams is quite interesting. You can kind of see the French community has kind of taken its own stance, and it's got its one way of building. The Chinese community, it tends to use a lot of resource packs and stuff. We want to try and bring that all together and mix it up."
“我们外出联系队伍的次数在增加,试图吸引他们前来展示所拥有的技术,”Jordan 说道。这是他和Vanessa Pearson(Buildcon 的副主任和创始人,也被称为 cakeyicing)为了让 Buildcon 更加国际化而付出的努力。“说不同语言的团队之间的差异是十分有趣的。你可以观察到,法国社区有自己的立场和独特的建造方式。而在中国社区则更加倾向于使用更多资源包和其他东西。我们正想办法去将他们整合,融汇在一起。”

One of the panel rooms, where creators like Udvio and Arcaniax will be speaking. Save us a seat!
Don't be fooled into thinking Buildcon is completely friendly, mind, as a lot of builders will be showing up on Friday to compete against each other. "The contest is teams of three battling, at most, twenty-three other teams of three to be crowned the best team of Buildcon," explains Jordan. "It's to bring a bit of fun and competitivity to the event."
不要误以为 Buildcon 是完全和谐的,记住,因为很多建造者都会在周五现身并互相竞争。Jordan解释道:“这是三人一组的比赛,最多将会有二十三支三人团队被授予 Buildcon 的最佳团队称号。这是为了给活动增加一些竞争性和趣味性。”
Nothing wrong with a bit of friendly competition! Jordan even thinks it can help you get better at Minecraft. "I feel that building under pressure helps people improve a lot. If a team that maybe isn't so skilled were to battle against a team which is, they'll be able to see where their build might have lacked. That will help improve their building skills."
进行一些友谊赛事并非坏事。Jordan 甚至认为这可以帮助你更好的体验 Minecraft。“我认为在有压力的条件下进行建造可以提高建造者的技术。如果一个技术并不是那么好的团队和一个技术很棒的团队对抗,他们将有机会看到自己的作品中可能不足的地方。这将有助于提升他们的建造能力。”
"It's a bit of fun, and Builders Refuge were really generous in their sponsorship in the prize."
“这是很有趣的,而且Builders Refuge在奖品的赞助上非常慷慨。”
Buildcon isn't affiliated with Mojang, but it's a great event for the Easter weekend! You'll be able to log onto the MC Buildcon server this Friday. For more info, you can follow MC Buildcon on Twitter and find their FAQ here . See you there!
Buildcon 并不隶属于 Mojang,但这是复活节周末的一件大事。在本周五,你将能登入 MC Buildcon服务器。需要了解更多相关信息,你可以在 Twitter上关注 MC Buildcon 并在这里找到他们的疑难解答。期待与你在 Buildcon 相会!
Header and tile image render by Mr Batou
头图由Mr Batou渲染
【Ebsky 译自官网 2017 年 04 月 10 日发布的 MC Buildcon 2017 Starts Friday】