Spectacular Sails
Jay Castello
Gaulight takes us on a naval tourGaulight带领我们踏上航海之旅
Jay Castello
I hope you don’t get seasick, because today we’re talking to expert ship builder Gaulight about his beautiful boat builds! If you do get seasick, don’t worry, it’s just an article! Unless you’re reading it on a boat? Um, why are you reading it on a boat if you get seasick?
我希望您不会晕船,因为今天我们要和一位造船专家 Gaulight讨论他壮丽的帆船作品!如果你确实会晕船,别担心,这仅仅是一篇文章而已!除非你现在身处船上阅读这篇文章?呃,如果你晕船的话你又为何要在船上读文章呢?
“I’ve always loved ships since my childhood,” Gaulight says. “I love their complexity, because of the rigging, but also because of their elegant hull design. I’m regularly heard saying: “ships of the past are today’s satellites,” because they were and are engineering masterpieces. I’m impressed by how people at the time were able to build such gigantic and intricate structures with simple tools and knowledge.”

Of course, with today’s technology, Gaulight is able to recreate these masterpieces in Minecraft. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy! He told me about his process building a replica of Le Fleuron, a French gunship from the 18th century.
诚然,利用现代的科技,Gaulight 能够将这些巨作在MInecraft 里面复刻出来。但这并不代表复刻工作十分简单!他向我分享了他复刻百合花号时的经历,那是一艘来自于十八世纪的法兰西炮舰。
“I first made a blueprint in Minecraft, with its exact proportions. Then I began creating layers that reflected the global shape of the ship and filled in the gaps in order to obtain a completed hull. Afterwards, I created the colour scheme, the stern and bow, and finally I made the masts, sails, and rigging. This took me approximately three months, including intensive research and the actual construction.”
It’s the details that drew Gaulight to Le Fleuron, especially the colours. “It has an elegant red curve, which runs all along the length of the ship, making it quite unique,” he says, explaining the faithful recreation in his version. Not only does this crimson stripe create a consistent visual design that’s pleasing to the eye, the attention to detail on the rigging, flags, and golden stern decoration are remarkable. And, of course, there are the 64 cannons in case of a fight!
正是金百合号的细节吸引了 Gaulight,特别是色彩搭配方面的细节。“它有一条优美的红色曲线贯通整个船身,这让它尤为独特,”他对着他那忠于原版的复刻作品解释到。不仅仅是这条暗红色的条纹创造了和谐统一的视觉设计,十分的靓眼,而且它在绳索、旗帜以及金色的船尾装饰细节上下的功夫也是极为出色的。当然,它上面那64门巨炮也是为战争所准备的。
In order to get this much detail, he builds the ships on a huge scale. “I used to build them at about the same size as the real ship, but as I improved over time I realised it’s much more satisfying to go bigger! It allows you to put in as many details as you want, like the stern on Le Fleuron.”

In fact, Gaulight’s Le Fleuron is three times as big as the original ship was. “Building at an even bigger scale would have resulted in a more accurate ship, but it would have also needed a considerable amount of time,” he added. But that’s not the only thing holding him back – sometimes he wants to build something so big, but he’s confined by Minecraft’s own height limit!
事实上,Gaulight 的金百合号是实物的三倍大小,“按照更大的比例来修建,就会得到艘更精致的船只,但那也需要相当长的工期,”他补充到。但这并不是阻碍他的唯一因素——有时他想要修建一个十分巨大的作品,但他会被 Minecraft 自身的限高所束缚!
Creating something so large and detailed isn’t easy. “The bow was the most challenging part,” he tells me. “Making it was not an easy task since there are plenty of curved beams meeting at a common point at the front.” But he doesn’t have any favourite part of the build, because everything has to come together to make it perfect. “I consider a ship successfully done when I can imagine it in my hand, like a real model ship.”

Adding the sails and flags is a crucial part of getting that feeling, though. He tells me that they have to look like they’re catching the wind. “That gives the ship life,” he explains.
It’s easy to imagine standing under those sails in the middle of the ocean. Once upon a time that would have been the job of up to 500 sailors who were needed to keep the ship moving. They would have known they were crewing an important ship – Le Fleuron means “the jewel” in English – but I don’t think they could have imagined it being rebuilt in a video game nearly 300 years later!
不难想象在海洋的中央,站在这些风帆的下面的感觉。很久以前,这也许是500名需要保持帆船航行的水手的工作。它们也许知道它们正在操作重要的船只—— Le Fleuron,他在英文里的意思是“宝石”——但我认为它们很难想象300年后的今天它会被复刻进一个电子游戏之中。

His version of L’Etoile du Roy is one of his favourites because it was the first dedicated recreation that he made. “I love her curvature and her colours,” he enthuses.
他的 L’Etoile du Roy 是他最喜欢的作品,因为那是他第一次专注于复刻的作品。“我喜欢她的曲线,喜欢她的配色,”他激动的说到。

He’s also enthusiastic about the power of the building community. “It’s a powerful way to express your feelings and your passion, and everybody can share their creations,” he says.
He believes that this sharing is important as builders are inspired by and learn from one another. Giving back to the community by explaining your methods and techniques is a great way to show gratitude for things you’ve picked up from others yourself.

His advice? “Minecraft is a fantastic game with infinite possibilities: the only limit is your dedication.”
关于他的建议?“Minecraft 是一个有着无限可能的奇妙的游戏:唯一的限制就是你的投入。”
So set sail and see where the winds of inspiration will take you!
Renders by Iskillia, VoenixX and Gaulight
渲染:Iskillia, VoenixX and Gaulight
Thanks to Bulix for translation help.
【Ebsky 译自官网 2018 年 06 月 05 日发布的 Spectacular Sails】