本帖最后由 45gfg9 于 2020-8-29 18:15 编辑
osu!lazer 2020.820.0 Changelog更新日志
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下载从未停止 游戏从未开始

Code Quality 代码质量
[√] Adjust project description (osu#9877) author: bdach
[√] 调整项目描述 (osu#9877)
[√] Fix build warnings (osu-framework#3830) author: bdach
[√] 修复构建错误 (osu-framework#3830)
[√] Fix a couple of new Resharper inspections (osu#9878) author: peppy
[√] 修复几个新的Resharper检查 (osu#9878)

Editor 编辑器
[+] Add loading spinner while editor screen loads (osu#9889) author: peppy
[+] 为编辑界面增加进度条 (osu#9889)

Framework 框架
[√] Fix transforms operating on same properties being applied out of order (osu-framework#3822) author: peppy
[√] 修复应用于同一属性的变换无序 (osu-framework#3822)
[√] Fix transforms added during load being potentially not processed (osu-framework#3838) author: bdach
[√] 修复加载时添加的变换可能没有被处理 (osu-framework#3838)
[√] Fix transforms potentially being skipped due to incorrect order of application (osu-framework#3842) author: peppy
[√] 修复变换可能由于应用顺序不正确被跳过 (osu-framework#3842)
[√] Allow providing custom sprite text for RollingCounter (osu#9768) author: frenzibyte
[√] 允许为RollingCounter添加自定义文字 (osu#9768)

Gameplay 游戏体验
[√] Fix pause menu selection not resetting on visibility change (osu#9867) author: bdach
[√] 修复暂停目录选择在视角变化时不重置 (osu#9867)
[+] Add ability to skip cutscene with forward mouse button (osu#9901) author: Joehuu
[+] 添加通过前鼠标按键(?)跳过过场 (osu#9901)
[√] Fix some judgements potentially giving non-zero score for misses (osu#9905) author: smoogipoo
[√] 修复一些判定可能为miss给分 (osu#9905)

Gameplay (osu!mania) 游戏体验
[√] Update mania scroll speed range to match stable (osu#9902) author: lanpai
[√] 更新mania滚动速度范围以符合stable (osu#9902)
[√] Implement mania invert mod (osu#9891) author: smoogipoo
[√] 实现mania的invert mod (osu#9891)

Performance 性能
[√] Disable stack trace collection on windows (osu-framework#3828) author: peppy
[√] 在Windows上取消栈跟踪回收 (osu-framework#3828)
[√] Implement mania hold note body recycling (osu#9903) author: smoogipoo
[√] 实现mania hold回收(?) (osu#9903)

Platform 平台
[√] Revert device period to fix linux audio crackling (osu-framework#3832) author: smoogipoo
[√] 回滚设备时间以修复Linux音频失真(?) (osu-framework#3832)

Skinning 皮肤
[+] Add support for SpinnerFrequencyModulate skin config option  (osu#9869) author: ronthecookie
[+] 支持SpinnerFrequencyModulate皮肤设置 (osu#9869)
[√] Disable LegacyHitExplosion osu!mania for hold notes (osu#9906) author: lanpai
[√] osu!mania的hold禁用LegacyHitExplosion (osu#9906)

Song Select 歌曲选择
[√] Show precise number tooltip of leaderboard score rank when 1000 or higher (osu#9899) author: Joehuu
[√] 为1000名及以上的排名显示确切数字 (osu#9899)

Testing 测试
[√] Fix PlayerLoader test failures due to too many steps (osu#9897) author: peppy
[√] 修复PlayerLoader由于步骤过多而测试失败 (osu#9897)

UI 界面
[√] Improve visibility of toolbar tooltips against bright backgrounds (osu#9884) author: peppy
[√] 改进工具栏提示在亮色背景下的可见度 (osu#9884)
[√] Invoke text mutation method events only when done by user input (osu-framework#3839) author: frenzibyte
[√] 只在用户输入的情况下调用文字变化事件方法 (osu-framework#3839)
[√] Fix toolbar not respecting current overlay activation mode (osu#9911) author: Game4all
[√] 修复工具栏不遵循当前的图层激活模式 (osu#9911)

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