本帖最后由 well 于 2011-10-8 06:22 编辑
看 WIKI 的遊戲版本說明吧, 很詳細, 很多...
血下面那條是經驗值, 在 1.8 裡沒啥用...
翻譯... 參考這兩帖...
看 WIKI 的遊戲版本說明吧, 很詳細, 很多...
血下面那條是經驗值, 在 1.8 裡沒啥用...
翻譯... 參考這兩帖...
论坛不是为你开的 大多数人都会自己去维基 这里不是深受党的圣堂 自己去看mod区 该置顶的都置顶了 凭啥没看就在这里瞎问?
本帖最后由 moe000 于 2011-10-8 10:08 编辑
自己都懒得右上角还去提问 看都懒得看就在那瞎结论
Bug Fixes:
* ⇧ Shift+clicking into a full chest/inventory crashing the game was fixed.
* ⇧ Shift+clicking items in and out of a dispenser crashing the game fixed.
New Bugs:
* Pumpkin Seeds no longer generate in Abandoned Mineshafts' chests. [1]
1.8 (Adventure Update) September 14, 2011
* Three new mobs.
o New Enderman mob.
+ They take damage from water.
+ They emit purple smoke particles the same as or very similar to portal particles.
+ They drop Ender Pearls.
+ They open their mouth when hostile/looked at.
+ They burn in sunlight.
o New Silverfish mob.
+ Will spawn from rarely generated blocks, that look identical to stone, or stone bricks.
o New Cave Spider mob.
+ They spawn in Abandoned Mine Shafts.
+ Their attacks are venomous, and turn the player's health yellow-green upon being poisoned (will not kill you but will make you lose 4 health bars, if you are below 4 health bars then it will bring you down to Half Heart.png heart). They cannot poison players on Easy difficulty.
+ Have a unique mob spawner.
+ They are smaller than regular spiders.
* 9 new blocks and crafting recipes
o Stone Brick
+ Stone Brick Slabs
+ Stone Brick Stairs
o Brick Slabs and Brick Stairs
o Fence Gates
o Glass Panes
o Iron Bars
o Melons
* New Creative game mode.
o Flying by double tapping Space
o Unlimited resources
o Instant mining
o A new screen, the Unlimited Item Selection screen
* New features in the terrain generator.
o Optionally generated structures
+ NPC Villages that include buildings and farms.
# Buildings include houses, "smithies", and wells: all of which are connected through gravel pathing.
# Contain the only naturally generated blocks of Stairs, Fences, Glass and Glass Panes, Ladders, Wooden Doors, Crops and Farmland, Furnaces, Black Wool, Bookshelves, and Pressure Plates.
# Will spawn only on flat areas.
+ Strongholds, consisting of 4 new blocks: Stone Brick, Mossy Stone Brick, Cracked Stone Brick, and Iron Bars.
# Will only spawn 3 times in a map.
+ Abandoned Mine Shafts
# Contains naturally generated Cobweb.
+ Ravines including canyons on the surface and ledges to walk on.
o New, fractal-based biome code, spawning much larger versions of existing versions along with 5 new biomes
+ Rivers flowing through/in between biomes.
+ Ocean Biomes, that are deeper and much more vast than before.
+ Mountain biome.
+ Swamp biome, which is the only biome to generate vines on trees. Mushrooms are more commonly generated here as well.
+ Using Bonemeal on Mushrooms will generate Huge Mushrooms
+ Clay is now much more abundant
+ Snow in Taiga and Tundra biomes does not generate for technical reasons. They will return in Beta 1.9
* New combat Mechanics.
o Hold-to-charge bows.
+ 3 different charged states; takes less than 1 second to fully charge.
+ Fully charged bows causes the player to walk slower.
o Critical hits.
+ When the player hits a mob while falling or if the player is above the mob.
+ When the mob is hit by a fully-charged arrow.
o Players can parry with a sword by holding Right Mouse
o Hostile mobs perform attack animations.
o Mobs killed by players drop tiny flashing Experience Orbs that add to your experience bar.
* New Food System.
o There is now a food meter.
+ Food no longer heals directly but indirectly: if the food meter is above 80%, heals Half Heart.png about every 5 seconds.
o All food (except Mushroom Stew) are now stackable.
o Food takes 1.6 seconds to consume, accompanied with an animation.
o 5 new food items.
+ Melon Slices.
+ Raw Chicken.
+ Raw Beef.
+ Cooked Chicken.
+ Steak, which has Cooked Porkchop's old texture. Cooked Porkchops' new texture is a tan shade of the same sprite.
o Eating any raw food or Rotten Flesh has a chance to give the player food poisoning.
* New farming options, more interesting farming.
o Plantable pumpkins and melons, each with a central stem that grows to max size and spawns a fruit next to it.
o Melon Seeds.
o Pumpkin Seeds.
* A new achievement: "Kill a skeleton with an arrow at 50 meters".
* Sprinting: By double pressing the forward button, the player will move faster.
o Sprinting is limitless, but will deplete your hunger bar.
o Hitting a mob while sprinting deals a knock-back.
o Jumping while sprinting boosts the jump to a length of about 4 blocks.
o Sprinting makes particles come up from the ground.
o While sprinting, the field of view slightly increases.
* Mob changes
o Passive mobs will randomly flee if attacked by the player or other mobs (such as Wolves).
o Zombies drop Rotten Flesh instead of Feathers.
o The snout on pigs now protrude from their head.
o Skeletons now hold full-size bows.
o Player-to-mob damage decreased by half a heart.
o Arrows that hit a mob visually "stick" into the mob rather than just disappear.
+ Skeleton arrows originate from about their eyes to the bow, instead of above the head.
* New uses for shears.
o Vine
o Tall Grass
* New improved lighting
o Day/night cycles no longer require chunk updates. Lighting is updated via a texture, whose coordinates are the block's sky light and block light levels.
o The lighting on a block is given a tint based on the most prominent source of light
+ Redish from Non-sunlight light sources
+ Blue from Moonlight
+ Total darkness keeps the same black tint
+ Sunlight gives the same white tint
o Non-sky based light now gives a very subtle 'flicker'.
* Main Menu/Options changes
o The Main Menu's background is now an animated scene.
o In the Main Menu, the version in the main menu is in the lower left, instead of the upper left.
o New sliders for Field of View and Brightness
o 4 new entries in control list
+ "Attack", "Use Item", and "Pick Block" can now be remapped.
+ Player list in SMP, defaults to Tab ⇆.
o The 'Multiplayer join screen' has been improved, mainly with a server list.
* New texture for Moss Stone to match Cobblestone's.
* Improved sunrise and sunset.
o Clouds change color during sunrise and sunset to match the sky color.
o Horizon, specifically haze changes color more vividly during sunset and sunrise.
* New particle effects.
o Performing a critical hit on any mob will cause 'sparks' to fly.
o Explosion particles are now shockwaves instead of smoke.
o Tiny stationary bubble particles can be seen when underwater.
o Fog is now thicker and darker deep underground, and gives off particles. Due to this, the void appears black.
* Changes with debug-view (F3)
o Mobs are no longer visibly labeled with their entity ID
o The world's numeric seed is displayed in a field below player position.
o Changing fog by hotkey now requires debug-view to be open in addition with pressing F.
* The version number plate displays ingame again.
* User-placed leaf blocks no longer decay.
* Cloud height raised to the top of the map, so clouds no longer phase through blocks.
* Cloud movement syncs with the time.
* Rain and snow renders faster with caching.
* Armor bar moved to above hearts, due to food bar.
* Both Wooden and Stone pressure plates can now be placed on fences.
* Improved chest model with a 3D lock and an open state/animation. They are also now slightly smaller than one full block, and cannot have a breakage texture applied to them.
* Players with the OP position on a server can switch back and forth between survival and creative mode. [2]
* The game's base code now allows for mods to more easily change the(map) height.
* ⇧ Shift+Clicking the output item in a crafting square will craft all the items at once, and automatically places them in the inventory.
* Holding the left mouse button with a weapon will now only swing once.
* Holding the right mouse button to place blocks is slightly slower than before.
* Animals no longer despawn which makes it possible to capture them.
Bug Fixes:
* The ⇧ Shift+Click crash bug from 1.8pre2 is fixed.
* Fixed Redstone circuits not working after /time set x glitch is now fixed in SMP.
* Destroying boats and minecarts now creates particles.
* Ghast attack sounds are fixed in SMP.
* The Far Lands had been removed, now there is only ocean, and at some point, nothingness.[3]
New bugs:
* There is a memory leak mainly occurring on Linux 32 bit.
* The destruction animation for chests is missing.
* If you place a torch underwater, the torch will fall off but its light will remain.
* Experience orbs when dropped don't drop in a stack like items do, so when a player dies when they have a large number of experience, each orb has to be processed individually. This will cause a high amount of lag, especially for SMP servers.
* Occasionally minecraft crashes when a bed is placed.
* Double chests placed before 1.8 on multiplayer servers all appear to players to be facing the same direction, even when they should be rotated by 90 degrees.
* The Item Selection screen in the new Creative game mode is missing a few blocks: pine and birch leaves (18:1 and 18:2), tall grass (31:1 and 31:2), double slabs (43), monster spawner (52), snow cover (78), and huge mushroom (99 and 100).
* Items will not eject properly if a block is placed on them and the items are touching one side of farmland.
* NPC villages occasionally spawn over partial water areas and 'float'
维基全都有自己就是不愿意看 绿色的经验条暂时无用1.9可以拿来貌似升级物品
* ⇧ Shift+clicking into a full chest/inventory crashing the game was fixed.
* ⇧ Shift+clicking items in and out of a dispenser crashing the game fixed.
New Bugs:
* Pumpkin Seeds no longer generate in Abandoned Mineshafts' chests. [1]
1.8 (Adventure Update) September 14, 2011
* Three new mobs.
o New Enderman mob.
+ They take damage from water.
+ They emit purple smoke particles the same as or very similar to portal particles.
+ They drop Ender Pearls.
+ They open their mouth when hostile/looked at.
+ They burn in sunlight.
o New Silverfish mob.
+ Will spawn from rarely generated blocks, that look identical to stone, or stone bricks.
o New Cave Spider mob.
+ They spawn in Abandoned Mine Shafts.
+ Their attacks are venomous, and turn the player's health yellow-green upon being poisoned (will not kill you but will make you lose 4 health bars, if you are below 4 health bars then it will bring you down to Half Heart.png heart). They cannot poison players on Easy difficulty.
+ Have a unique mob spawner.
+ They are smaller than regular spiders.
* 9 new blocks and crafting recipes
o Stone Brick
+ Stone Brick Slabs
+ Stone Brick Stairs
o Brick Slabs and Brick Stairs
o Fence Gates
o Glass Panes
o Iron Bars
o Melons
* New Creative game mode.
o Flying by double tapping Space
o Unlimited resources
o Instant mining
o A new screen, the Unlimited Item Selection screen
* New features in the terrain generator.
o Optionally generated structures
+ NPC Villages that include buildings and farms.
# Buildings include houses, "smithies", and wells: all of which are connected through gravel pathing.
# Contain the only naturally generated blocks of Stairs, Fences, Glass and Glass Panes, Ladders, Wooden Doors, Crops and Farmland, Furnaces, Black Wool, Bookshelves, and Pressure Plates.
# Will spawn only on flat areas.
+ Strongholds, consisting of 4 new blocks: Stone Brick, Mossy Stone Brick, Cracked Stone Brick, and Iron Bars.
# Will only spawn 3 times in a map.
+ Abandoned Mine Shafts
# Contains naturally generated Cobweb.
+ Ravines including canyons on the surface and ledges to walk on.
o New, fractal-based biome code, spawning much larger versions of existing versions along with 5 new biomes
+ Rivers flowing through/in between biomes.
+ Ocean Biomes, that are deeper and much more vast than before.
+ Mountain biome.
+ Swamp biome, which is the only biome to generate vines on trees. Mushrooms are more commonly generated here as well.
+ Using Bonemeal on Mushrooms will generate Huge Mushrooms
+ Clay is now much more abundant
+ Snow in Taiga and Tundra biomes does not generate for technical reasons. They will return in Beta 1.9
* New combat Mechanics.
o Hold-to-charge bows.
+ 3 different charged states; takes less than 1 second to fully charge.
+ Fully charged bows causes the player to walk slower.
o Critical hits.
+ When the player hits a mob while falling or if the player is above the mob.
+ When the mob is hit by a fully-charged arrow.
o Players can parry with a sword by holding Right Mouse
o Hostile mobs perform attack animations.
o Mobs killed by players drop tiny flashing Experience Orbs that add to your experience bar.
* New Food System.
o There is now a food meter.
+ Food no longer heals directly but indirectly: if the food meter is above 80%, heals Half Heart.png about every 5 seconds.
o All food (except Mushroom Stew) are now stackable.
o Food takes 1.6 seconds to consume, accompanied with an animation.
o 5 new food items.
+ Melon Slices.
+ Raw Chicken.
+ Raw Beef.
+ Cooked Chicken.
+ Steak, which has Cooked Porkchop's old texture. Cooked Porkchops' new texture is a tan shade of the same sprite.
o Eating any raw food or Rotten Flesh has a chance to give the player food poisoning.
* New farming options, more interesting farming.
o Plantable pumpkins and melons, each with a central stem that grows to max size and spawns a fruit next to it.
o Melon Seeds.
o Pumpkin Seeds.
* A new achievement: "Kill a skeleton with an arrow at 50 meters".
* Sprinting: By double pressing the forward button, the player will move faster.
o Sprinting is limitless, but will deplete your hunger bar.
o Hitting a mob while sprinting deals a knock-back.
o Jumping while sprinting boosts the jump to a length of about 4 blocks.
o Sprinting makes particles come up from the ground.
o While sprinting, the field of view slightly increases.
* Mob changes
o Passive mobs will randomly flee if attacked by the player or other mobs (such as Wolves).
o Zombies drop Rotten Flesh instead of Feathers.
o The snout on pigs now protrude from their head.
o Skeletons now hold full-size bows.
o Player-to-mob damage decreased by half a heart.
o Arrows that hit a mob visually "stick" into the mob rather than just disappear.
+ Skeleton arrows originate from about their eyes to the bow, instead of above the head.
* New uses for shears.
o Vine
o Tall Grass
* New improved lighting
o Day/night cycles no longer require chunk updates. Lighting is updated via a texture, whose coordinates are the block's sky light and block light levels.
o The lighting on a block is given a tint based on the most prominent source of light
+ Redish from Non-sunlight light sources
+ Blue from Moonlight
+ Total darkness keeps the same black tint
+ Sunlight gives the same white tint
o Non-sky based light now gives a very subtle 'flicker'.
* Main Menu/Options changes
o The Main Menu's background is now an animated scene.
o In the Main Menu, the version in the main menu is in the lower left, instead of the upper left.
o New sliders for Field of View and Brightness
o 4 new entries in control list
+ "Attack", "Use Item", and "Pick Block" can now be remapped.
+ Player list in SMP, defaults to Tab ⇆.
o The 'Multiplayer join screen' has been improved, mainly with a server list.
* New texture for Moss Stone to match Cobblestone's.
* Improved sunrise and sunset.
o Clouds change color during sunrise and sunset to match the sky color.
o Horizon, specifically haze changes color more vividly during sunset and sunrise.
* New particle effects.
o Performing a critical hit on any mob will cause 'sparks' to fly.
o Explosion particles are now shockwaves instead of smoke.
o Tiny stationary bubble particles can be seen when underwater.
o Fog is now thicker and darker deep underground, and gives off particles. Due to this, the void appears black.
* Changes with debug-view (F3)
o Mobs are no longer visibly labeled with their entity ID
o The world's numeric seed is displayed in a field below player position.
o Changing fog by hotkey now requires debug-view to be open in addition with pressing F.
* The version number plate displays ingame again.
* User-placed leaf blocks no longer decay.
* Cloud height raised to the top of the map, so clouds no longer phase through blocks.
* Cloud movement syncs with the time.
* Rain and snow renders faster with caching.
* Armor bar moved to above hearts, due to food bar.
* Both Wooden and Stone pressure plates can now be placed on fences.
* Improved chest model with a 3D lock and an open state/animation. They are also now slightly smaller than one full block, and cannot have a breakage texture applied to them.
* Players with the OP position on a server can switch back and forth between survival and creative mode. [2]
* The game's base code now allows for mods to more easily change the(map) height.
* ⇧ Shift+Clicking the output item in a crafting square will craft all the items at once, and automatically places them in the inventory.
* Holding the left mouse button with a weapon will now only swing once.
* Holding the right mouse button to place blocks is slightly slower than before.
* Animals no longer despawn which makes it possible to capture them.
Bug Fixes:
* The ⇧ Shift+Click crash bug from 1.8pre2 is fixed.
* Fixed Redstone circuits not working after /time set x glitch is now fixed in SMP.
* Destroying boats and minecarts now creates particles.
* Ghast attack sounds are fixed in SMP.
* The Far Lands had been removed, now there is only ocean, and at some point, nothingness.[3]
New bugs:
* There is a memory leak mainly occurring on Linux 32 bit.
* The destruction animation for chests is missing.
* If you place a torch underwater, the torch will fall off but its light will remain.
* Experience orbs when dropped don't drop in a stack like items do, so when a player dies when they have a large number of experience, each orb has to be processed individually. This will cause a high amount of lag, especially for SMP servers.
* Occasionally minecraft crashes when a bed is placed.
* Double chests placed before 1.8 on multiplayer servers all appear to players to be facing the same direction, even when they should be rotated by 90 degrees.
* The Item Selection screen in the new Creative game mode is missing a few blocks: pine and birch leaves (18:1 and 18:2), tall grass (31:1 and 31:2), double slabs (43), monster spawner (52), snow cover (78), and huge mushroom (99 and 100).
* Items will not eject properly if a block is placed on them and the items are touching one side of farmland.
* NPC villages occasionally spawn over partial water areas and 'float'
维基全都有自己就是不愿意看 绿色的经验条暂时无用1.9可以拿来貌似升级物品