Grape seeds can only be planted on farmland, POTS and water lilies. They have 3 growth stages, each stage will last between 40 to 80 seconds. You can accelerate growth with bone powder, when the grape bush grows completely you can get the grapes in the same way as the sweet berries, just by clicking on the plant or you can destroy it. The straw golem will also grow the grapes for you.
柠檬树只能种植在花盆和正常的泥土中(normal soil),它有4个生长阶段,每一阶段大约持续80秒,如果温度高于0.89,这棵树就不能生长(除了沙漠和热带草原(savannah)外,温度都低于0.89),柠檬可以吃,稻草傀儡会帮你种植柠檬,同样,会获得甜浆果。 The lemon tree can only be planted in POTS and normal soil. It has 4 growth stages. Each stage lasts approximately 80 seconds, the tree will not grow completely if it is not at a temperature lower than 0.89 (in almost all parts of the game the temperature is lower than that,except in the desert and savannah). The lemons can be eaten, the straw golem will grow the lemons for you, has the same function as the sweet berries.
经验种子是稀有植物,其种子可种植在耕地、睡莲和花盆中,它有4个生长阶段,要想加速生长,它需要一个新骨粉,新骨粉由青金石和骨粉制作,当植物成熟时,会发出不同的颜色,获得经验只需要点击或破坏它。 Experience seeds are a rare plant, can only be planted in farmland, POTS and waterlilies, has 4 growth stages, you can accelerate the growth time with a new bone powder, the magic bone powder is made with lapislazui and bonemeal, when the plant is fully developed will start to shine in different colors, to get the experience just click on the plant or destroy it.
末影珍珠种子可以种在耕地、睡莲和花盆中,它有4个生长阶段,每个阶段持续约1分钟,它只有在晚上或者光照小于0.49(大约一个火把的范围)时才能生长,你必须使用黑骨粉才能加速生长,黑骨粉由煤和骨粉合成。 Ender pearl seeds can only be planted in farmland,nenufares and POTS. It has 4 stages, each lasting about 1 minute. This plant will only grow if it is nighttime or the illumination is less than 0.49 (about the range of a torch). You can accelerate growth with a new bone meal, dark bone meal is made from bone meal and coal.