[管理|安全][PCD]AdvancedBan —— 集合多种惩罚功能,处罚熊孩子的利器[1.7-1.12]
(出处: Minecraft(我的世界)中文论坛)
被封禁了就不能进入服务器了 还提醒啥
(出处: Minecraft(我的世界)中文论坛)
被封禁了就不能进入服务器了 还提醒啥
屑🥕 发表于 2020-7-24 11:12
[管理|安全]AdvancedBan —— 集合多种惩罚功能,处罚熊孩子的利器[1.7-1.12]
https://www.mcbbs.net/threa ...
我知道 但我想要提醒 请问有没有呢
这个插件报错了 大佬能不能帮我看看
梦小白 发表于 2020-7-24 11:14
我知道 但我想要提醒 请问有没有呢
这个插件报错了 大佬能不能帮我看看 ...
服务端核心是什么 版本呢 插件是最新版么 报错内容发一下
屑🥕 发表于 2020-7-24 11:15
服务端核心是什么 版本呢 插件是最新版么 报错内容发一 ...
屑🥕 发表于 2020-7-24 11:18
屑🥕 发表于 2020-7-24 11:18
屑🥕 发表于 2020-7-24 11:18
梦小白 发表于 2020-7-24 11:21
发报错内容 还有配置文件
- # AdvancedBan v2 - Coded by Leoko
- # For each setting, there is a small description.
- # Please read each description carefully before changing anything.
- # For more information visit: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/advancedban.8695/
- # Do you want your own Plugin or Website? Check out our Dev-Page: http://dev.skamps.eu
- # If set to false all bans will be saved locally in a HSQLDB-Database
- UseMySQL: false
- # Set to false if you want to have only short messages in the console
- # On startup and on the shutdown.
- DetailedEnableMessage: true
- DetailedDisableMessage: true
- # This will be the default reason to be displayed if none is given
- DefaultReason: "none"
- # Change this if your server has a different time that your users.
- # e.g.: ServerTime: 16:43 | Your Time: 13:43 | TimeDiff has to be set to -3
- # You can check the server time with /systemPrefs
- TimeDiff: 0
- # This commands will be disabled for muted players
- # A player wouldn't be able to bypass with eg "/minecraft:me"
- MuteCommands:
- - 'me'
- - 'say'
- - 'action'
- - 'eaction'
- - 'describe'
- - 'edescribe'
- - 'eme'
- - 'w'
- - 'm'
- - 'pm'
- - 'whisper'
- - 'ewhisper'
- - 'emsg'
- - 'msg'
- - 'etell'
- - 'tell'
- - 'er'
- - 'r'
- - 'reply'
- - 'ereply'
- - 'ac'
- - 'eac'
- - 'amsg'
- - 'eamsg'
- - 'ehelpop'
- # These players will not be able to get punished in any way
- # this also works if the player is offline
- ExemptPlayers:
- - 'Leoko'
- - 'md5'
- - 'dutchy1001'
- - 'ItzSomebody'
- # The date-format which will be used for the %DATE% variable
- DateFormat: "dd.MM.yyyy-HH:mm"
- # This is useful for bungeecord servers or server with permission systems which do not support *-Perms
- # So if you enable this you can use ab.all instead of ab.* or ab.ban.all instead of ab.ban.*
- # This does not work with negative permissions! e.g. -ab.all would not block all commands for that user.
- EnableAllPermissionNodes: false
- # If you use external REST-APIs they will have to respond in JSON
- # The given APIs will only be used for NAME -> UUID
- # For UUID -> NAME will either use the official MojangAPI or the InternFetcher
- # To check if you can use the intern fetcher do /systemPerfs and compare your uuid
- # to ** you can see online on http://NamesMC.com
- # if they are similar we recommend using the InternFetcher
- UUID-Fetcher:
- # If dynamic it set to true it will override the 'enabled' and 'intern' settings
- # and automatically detect the best possible uuid fetcher settings for your server.
- # Our recommendation: don't set dynamic to false if you don't have any problems.
- Dynamic: true
- Enabled: true
- Intern: false
- URL: "https://api.mojang.com/users/profiles/minecraft/%NAME%?at=%TIMESTAMP%"
- Key: "id"
- BackUp-API:
- URL: "https://us.mc-api.net/v3/uuid/%NAME%"
- Key: "uuid"
- # These are the commands that will be performed on warns
- # If you skip a number the command from before will be performed
- # You can also use non-AdvancedBan-Commands like 'broadcast' or 'clear %PLAYER%
- # Variables: %PLAYER%, %REASON%, %COUNT%
- WarnActions:
- 3: "kick %PLAYER% &c&oYou have received your 3rd warning!"
- 4: "tempban %PLAYER% 30m &c&oYou have received your 4th warning!"
- 5: "tempban %PLAYER% 5h &c&oYou have received your 5th warning!"
- 6: "tempban %PLAYER% 7d &c&oYou have received your 6th warning!"
- 7: "tempban %PLAYER% 1mo &c&oYou have received your %COUNT%th warning!"
- 10: "ban %PLAYER% &c&oYou have received your 10th warning!"
- # Here you can create permission-nodes for max-punishment-duration.
- # The permission "ab.tempban.dur.1" would allow the player to ban max. for 600sec = 10min
- # The permission "ab.tempwarn.dur.2" would allow the player to warn max. for 3600sec = 1h
- # You can only create up to 10 perms. The perms can be overridden with "ab.COMMAND.dur.max"
- TempPerms:
- 1: 600
- 2: 3600
- 3: 43200
- # With this active will show more information in the console, such as errors, if
- # the plugin works correctly is not recommended to activate it since it is
- # designed to find bugs.
- Debug: false
- # This is the amount of days that we should keep plugin logs in the plugins/AdvancedBan/logs folder.
- # By default is set to 10 days.
- Log Purge Days: 10
- # The default layouts are in the Message.yml file!
- # Message-Layouts can not only be used for bans but also for mutes and warns
- # Currently available variables:
- # %OPERATOR% - The user who dealt the punishment.
- # %REASON% - Reason for punishment.
- # %PREFIX% - Prefix set in Message.yml.
- # %DURATION% - Amount of time left before a punishment expires (will be -1 for permanent punishments).
- # %DATE% - Date punishment was issued on.
- # %ID% - Displays the punishment ID (i.e. first punishment = 0, second punishment = 1, third punishment = 2, etc.)
- # %HEXID% - Displays the punishment ID in base 16.
- # For warns you have also the variable %COUNT% which will be
- # replaced with the current amount of warns the player already received
- # Example usage: /ban Leoko @ExampleLayout
- Message:
- ExampleLayout:
- - '&cMengMineCraft Network'
- - '&b您因%REASON%'
- - "&c被管理员%OPERATOR%处罚"
- - "&cracked client please disable it!"
- - "&cUnban in &8\xbb &7%DURATION%"
- - '&7'
- - '&8Unban application in TS or forum'
- - "&eTS-Ip &8\xbb &c&ncoming soon"
- # You would use this time-layout for example like this: "/tempban Leoko #ExampleLayout Hacking in FFA"
- # Or with "/tempwarn Leoko #ExampleLayout Advertising" or even "/tempwarn Leoko #ExampleLayout No capslock please"
- # You can also combine this with MessageLayouts like "/tempban Leoko #ExampleLayout @Hacking"
- Time:
- ExampleLayout:
- - '30m'
- - '2h'
- - '1d'
- - '1w'
- - '1mo'
- - '2mo'
- - '4mo'
- - 'perma'
- General:
- Prefix: "&c&lAdvancedBan &8&l\xbb"
- NoPerms: "&cYou don't have perms for that!"
- LayoutNotFound: "&cThere is no layout called %NAME%"
- # This will be the replacement for the %DURATION% variable
- TimeLayoutD: "%D%day(s) %H%h %M%min and %S%sec"
- TimeLayoutH: "%H%hour(s) %M%min and %S%sec"
- TimeLayoutM: "%M%min and %S%sec"
- TimeLayoutS: "%S% seconds"
- FailedFetch: "&cCould not fetch the UUID of %NAME%! See console for details."
- Ban:
- Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/ban [Name] [Reason/@Layout]"
- Done: "&c&o%NAME% &7was successfully banned!"
- AlreadyDone: "&c&o%NAME% &7has already been banned!"
- Exempt: "&7You are not able to ban &c&o%NAME%"
- Layout:
- - "&eMengMineCraft Network"
- - "&e您因%REASON%"
- - "&c被管理员%OPERATOR%处罚"
- - "&cBAN ID:&l#%HEXID%"
- - "&c距离解封剩余还有 &b%DURATION%"
- - "&c申诉 &[email protected] &c或 &[email protected]"
- Notification:
- - "&c&o%NAME% &7got banned by &e&o%OPERATOR%"
- - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%"
- Ipban:
- Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/banip [Name/IP] [Reason/@Layout]"
- Layout:
- - '%PREFIX% &7Permanently banned'
- - '&7'
- - '&7'
- - "&cReason &8\xbb &7%REASON%"
- - '&7'
- - '&8Unban application in TS or forum'
- - "&eTS-Ip &8\xbb &c&ncoming soon"
- - "&eForum &8\xbb &c&ncoming soon"
- Notification:
- - "&c&o%NAME% &7got banned by &e&o%OPERATOR%"
- - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%"
- IpNotCashed: "&cThere is no saved IP for %NAME%!"
- Tempban:
- Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/tempban [Name] [Xmo/Xd/Xh/Xm/Xs/#TimeLayout] [Reason/@Layout]"
- MaxDuration: "&cYou are not able to ban more than %MAX%sec"
- Layout:
- - "您的账号已被&eMengMineCraft Network&r管理组封禁"
- - "&e原因:%REASON%"
- - "&cBAN ID:&l#%HEXID%"
- - "&c距离解封剩余还有 &b%DURATION%"
- - "&c申诉 &[email protected] &c或 &92604877969"
- Notification:
- - "&c&o%NAME% &7got banned by &e&o%OPERATOR%"
- - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%"
- - "&7&oThis player got banned for &e&o%DURATION%"
- Tempipban:
- Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/tempipban [Name/IP] [Xmo/Xd/Xh/Xm/Xs/#TimeLayout] [Reason/@Layout]"
- MaxDuration: "&cYou are not able to ban more than %MAX%sec"
- Layout:
- - '%PREFIX% &7Temporarily banned'
- - '&7'
- - '&7'
- - "&cReason &8\xbb &7%REASON%"
- - "&cDuration &8\xbb &7%DURATION%"
- - '&7'
- - '&8Unban application in TS or forum'
- - "&eTS-Ip &8\xbb &c&ncoming soon"
- - "&eForum &8\xbb &c&ncoming soon"
- Notification:
- - "&c&o%NAME% &7got banned by &e&o%OPERATOR%"
- - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%"
- - "&7&oThis player got banned for &e&o%DURATION%"
- Mute:
- Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/mute [Name] [Reason/@Layout]"
- Done: "&c&o%NAME% &7was successfully muted!"
- AlreadyDone: "&c&o%NAME% &7has already been muted!"
- Exempt: "&7You are not able to mute &c&o%NAME%"
- Layout:
- - '%PREFIX% &7You are permanently muted'
- - "&cReason &8\xbb &7%REASON%"
- Notification:
- - "&c&o%NAME% &7got muted by &e&o%OPERATOR%"
- - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%"
- Tempmute:
- Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/tempmute [Name] [Xmo/Xd/Xh/Xm/Xs/#TimeLayout] [Reason/@Layout]"
- MaxDuration: "&cYou are not able to mute more than %MAX%sec"
- Layout:
- - '%PREFIX% &7You are muted for %DURATION%'
- - "&cReason &8\xbb &7%REASON%"
- Notification:
- - "&c&o%NAME% &7got muted by &e&o%OPERATOR%"
- - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%"
- - "&7&oThis player got muted for &e&o%DURATION%"
- Warn:
- Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/warn [Name] [Reason/@Layout]"
- Done: "&c&o%NAME% &7was successfully warned!"
- Exempt: "&7You are not able to warn &c&o%NAME%"
- Layout:
- - '%PREFIX% &cYou received a warning'
- - "&cReason &8\xbb &7%REASON%"
- - '&7You have now &c&o%COUNT% &7warning(s) in total!'
- Notification:
- - "&c&o%NAME% &7got warned by &e&o%OPERATOR%"
- - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%"
- Tempwarn:
- Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/tempwarn [Name] [Xmo/Xd/Xh/Xm/Xs/#TimeLayout] [Reason/@Layout]"
- MaxDuration: "&cYou are not able to warn more than %MAX%sec"
- Layout:
- - '%PREFIX% &cYou received a temp-warning'
- - "&cReason &8\xbb &7%REASON%"
- - "&cIt will pass in &8\xbb &7%DURATION%"
- - '&7You have now &c&o%COUNT% &7warning(s) in total!'
- Notification:
- - "&c&o%NAME% &7got temp-warned by &e&o%OPERATOR%"
- - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%"
- - "&7This warning will pass in &o%DURATION%"
- Kick:
- Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/kick [Name] [Reason/@Layout]"
- Done: "&c&o%NAME% &7was successfully kicked!"
- NotOnline: "&c&o%NAME% &7is not online!"
- Exempt: "&7You are not able to kick &c&o%NAME%"
- Layout:
- - '%PREFIX% &7You got kicked'
- - '&7'
- - "&cReason &8\xbb &7%REASON%"
- - '&7'
- Notification:
- - "&c&o%NAME% &7got kicked by &e&o%OPERATOR%"
- - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%"
- UnBan:
- Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/unban [Name/IP]"
- NotPunished: "&c&o%NAME% is not banned!"
- Done: "&a&o%NAME% &7was successfully unbanned!"
- UnMute:
- Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/unmute [Name]"
- NotPunished: "&c&o%NAME% is not muted!"
- Done: "&a&o%NAME% &7was successfully unmuted!"
- UnWarn:
- Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/unwarn [ID] or /unwarn clear [Name]"
- NotFound: "&cCould not find warning #%ID%"
- Done: "&7Warn &a&o#%ID% &7was successfully deleted!"
- Clear:
- Empty: "&c&o%NAME% &7has no warnings!"
- Done: "&7Cleared &a&o%COUNT% &7warnings"
- UnPunish:
- Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/unpunish [ID]"
- NotFound: "&cCould not find punishment #%ID%"
- Done: "&7Punishment &a&o#%ID% &7was successfully deleted!"
- Banlist:
- Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/banlist <Page>"
- OutOfIndex: "&cThere is no page %PAGE%!"
- NoEntries: "&c&oThere are no entries"
- Header:
- - "%PREFIX% &7Banlist:"
- - "&c&oPlayer/IP &8| &e&oDuration &8| &7&oBanned by"
- - "&c&oType &8> &7&oReason"
- - "&7"
- Entry:
- - "&8[&e%DATE%&8]"
- - "&c%NAME% &8| &e%DURATION% &8| &7%OPERATOR%"
- - "&c%TYPE% &8> &7&o%REASON%"
- - "&7"
- Footer: "&7Page &e&o%CURRENT_PAGE% &7of &e&o%TOTAL_PAGES% &8| &7Listed bans: &e&o%COUNT%"
- PageFooter: "&7Use &e&o/banlist %NEXT_PAGE% &7to see the next page"
- History:
- Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/history [Name/IP] <Page>"
- OutOfIndex: "&cThere is no page %PAGE%!"
- NoEntries: "&c&oCould not find the history of %NAME% :("
- Header:
- - "%PREFIX% &7History for %NAME%:"
- - "&c&oName &8| &e&oDuration &8| &7&oOperator"
- - "&c&oType &8> &7&oReason"
- - "&7"
- Entry:
- - "&8[&e%DATE%&8]"
- - "&c%NAME% &8| &e%DURATION% &8| &7%OPERATOR%"
- - "&c%TYPE% &8> &7&o%REASON%"
- - "&7"
- Footer: "&7Page &e&o%CURRENT_PAGE% &7of &e&o%TOTAL_PAGES% &8| &7Total entries: &e&o%COUNT%"
- PageFooter: "&7Use &e&o/history %NAME% %NEXT_PAGE% &7to see the next page"
- Warns:
- Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/warns [Name] <Page>"
- OutOfIndex: "&cThere is no page %PAGE%!"
- NoEntries: "&c&o%NAME% has no warnings yet"
- Header:
- - "%PREFIX% &7Warnings for %NAME%:"
- - "&c&oName &8| &e&oDuration &8| &7&oWarned by"
- - "&c&o#ID &8> &7&oReason"
- - "&7"
- Entry:
- - "&8[&e%DATE%&8]"
- - "&c%NAME% &8| &e%DURATION% &8| &7%OPERATOR%"
- - "&c&l#%ID% &8> &7&o%REASON%"
- - "&7"
- Footer: "&7Page &e&o%CURRENT_PAGE% &7of &e&o%TOTAL_PAGES% &8| &7Active warnings: &e&o%COUNT%"
- PageFooter: "&7Use &e&o/warns %NAME% %NEXT_PAGE% &7to see the next page"
- ChangeReason:
- Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/change-reason [ID or ban/mute USER] [New reason]"
- Done: "&7Punishment &a&o#%ID% &7has successfully been updated!"
- NotFound: "&cSorry we have not been able to find this punishment"
- Check:
- Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/check [Name]"
- Header: "&7Checking &e&o%NAME%"
- UUID: "&cUUID &8\xbb &7%UUID%"
- IP: "&cIP &8\xbb &7%IP%"
- Geo: "&cCountry &8\xbb &7%LOCATION%"
- Mute: "&cMuted &8\xbb &7%DURATION%"
- Ban: "&cBanned &8\xbb &7%DURATION%"
- Warn: "&cWarns &8\xbb &7%COUNT%"
- NotFound: "&cSorry we have not been able to find %NAME%"
全部转码过 变中文的
服务器不都是自带 ban插件吗
梦小白 发表于 2020-7-24 12:40
不就是 ban id 然后让那个玩家进不了游戏吗?
梦小白 发表于 2020-7-24 12:40
要不然你就监狱就行啦 把他关起来
梦小白 发表于 2020-7-24 12:40
梦小白 发表于 2020-7-24 12:46
嗨皮咳嗽我玩过 没被ban过啊..
梦小白 发表于 2020-7-24 12:40
原版自带有ban人啊 或者ess有监狱系统