本帖最后由 PQguanfang 于 2020-7-6 12:16 编辑

Hey everyone,

It's been a long time coming but we're finally renaming this organisation!

We wanted to do this as there's been a lot of confusion about the difference between

- Nukkit: the original project and repo
- NukkitX: this organisation
- NukkitX's fork of Nukkit, Nukkit 1.0: the NukkitX/Nukkit repo master branch + related
- Nukkit:原先的项目(Nukkit原由国人开发,后因转战网易版而弃坑)
- NukkitX:我们这个团体(原词为组织的意思,本贴统一翻译为团体)
- NukkitX的关于Nukkit的分支,即Nukkit 1.0:由NukkitX/Nukkit的主分支及其相关内容组成

- NukkitX's hard fork of Nukkit, Nukkit 2.0: the NukkitX/Nukkit repo 2.0 branch + related
- NukkitX的关于Nukkit的另外一个重要分支,即Nukkit 2.0:由NukkitX/Nukkit的2.0分支及其相关内容组成

This was causing quite a bit of confusion to those outside the organisation (and some of those within!!) and since one of the goals of the open collaboration project is to allow more people to readily contribute to the project we thought now was a good time to go ahead and rename.
Thank you to everyone who's suggested a new name, the core team voted on all suggestions.
The new name of the organisation is Cloudburst. We like this name as it's easy to say, spell and keeps with the water theme of Minecraft-related server software.
这个团体的新名称是Cloudburst。 我们喜欢这个名称,因为它很容易就能说出来、写出来并与Minecraft相关的服务器软件的(水)主题保持一致。(因为Spigot意为水龙头,Sponge意为海绵?)

Going forwards we'll have the following core projects:
- Cloudburst Nukkit: the continuing maintenance of Nukkit 1.0
Cloudburst Nukkit:Nukkit 1.0主体内容的续坑
- Cloudburst Server: creation and progression of a Bedrock-first server software (aka NukkitX 2.0)
Cloudburst Server:致力于基岩版第一阶梯的服务端核心的创造与发展(又名 NukkitX 2.0)

We'll be separating the repositories for Cloudburst Nukkit and Cloudburst Server to make the distinction clearer.
我们将分离Cloudburst Nukkit和Cloudburst Server的存储库,以使它们的区别更加清晰。
Your GitHub repos should automagically redirect to the new locations, Cloudburst Server will be separated to a new repo so you'll need to separately handle that.
GitHub存储库届时应该自动重定向到新位置,Cloudburst Server将被分到新存储库中,因此您需要单独处理相关事项。

Please give us some time to handle the update of everything as there's a lot to do! If you notice something broken please raise it in one of the channels!
请给我们一些时间来处理所有内容的更新,因为还有很多事情要做! 如果您发现有什么东西出错了,请在以下其中一个渠道提出来!



疾风暗影 发表于 2020-7-6 09:39


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