本帖最后由 Azitate 于 2020-7-18 22:39 编辑


A tour of the Nether’s hottest properties

After 27 blissful years, my parents have selfishly decided to kick me out of my childhood home. Something about “making my own way in life” and “getting some peace and quiet in their own house”... I couldn’t hear them clearly over this new metal playlist I’ve been listening to on repeat for the past month. So I’ve decided that the best way to get back at them is to follow in Sofia’s footsteps and move to the Nether.


Since I’m new to the area, I’ve decided to hire Barbara – a Nether-native real estate agent – to walk me through my housing options. Apparently you should choose your Nether home based on size, biome, and probability of death – the latter of which is not always apparent. At this point you might be wondering if I’m sure I want to go through with this, to which I say yes, because 1) I am not a quitter, and 2) my parents have already converted my room into a gym. So let’s jump into that purple vortex, because Barbara is waiting!
下界而言一无所知,我决定雇佣Barbara —— 一个真正的房产经纪人,带我挑选我未来的家。显而易见,你应该根据房子的大小,周围的环境以及死亡的风险来选择你在下界的房子 —— 尽管后者并不那么“显而易见”.也许你会问我是否真的已经下定决心要克服这诸多困难,我的答案是无比肯定的。原因有二:1. 我并不是一个轻言放弃的人;2.我的父母已经将我的房间改成了他们的私人运动馆。综上种种,让我们还是跳进那紫色的漩涡里去吧,Barbara等我们很久了!

Nether Wastes

I first meet Barbara in a large, desolate area – except for a sea of lava and a simple, modern home on the shore. I’ve always wanted a beach house, so much so that I’m willing to overlook the fact that a wooden railing is the only thing standing between me and a bubbling, blubbering sea of doom.
我与Barbara第一次相见是在一个广阔而荒芜的区域 —— 目光所及之处只有一片岩浆海以及一个设计简洁而现代的海边小屋.

Photos of listings courtesy of Lava-ly Properties Inc

“The Nether wastes are ideal for players looking for spectacular views near the lava sea! This modern split-level home features a solid, Nether brick foundation and glowstone pillars – all made from locally-sourced materials! In the vicinity, you’ll find all the mushrooms you’ll ever need for sustenance, which is especially convenient in the Nether”,Barbara professionally monologues.

“What about the neighbors?” I ask, side-eyeing the Striders casually wading through the lava

Throw a trench coat on them and they can ride the big rollercoaster.

“It’s a very lively neighborhood! You can even trade with the local Piglin population, but make sure you dress to impress! *wink* You’ll run into the occasional Ghast and magma cube, but what neighborhood doesn’t have its troublemakers?”


“So how much is this place anyway?”
“The current owners are in a hurry, so they’re willing to let it go for 2 million emeralds.”
“目前的业主正急于出手,因此他们开出了 200 万绿宝石的报价”
“Yeah, I have 200.”
“Let’s look at some rentals, shall we?”
“ ……我们还是看看出租屋吧”

Moving upwards and away from my millennial dream of home ownership, we approach a dense, blue forest. I knew my budget would involve a commute, but this is a hike and I’m not here for it.

“We’re here, darling!”, she exclaims as she discreetly hands me a tissue to wipe my brow.

“Is that a… cave house?”

“Well honey, with your budget I had to look at more… unconventional options. The good news is that this is by far the safest neighborhood in the Nether – it’s mostly just Endermen!”
“是这样,亲爱的,你的预算让我不得不考虑一些……不太寻常的选择.好消息是这是目前下界里最为安全的去所 —— 这里几乎只有末影人!”
This tiny house trend has gone too far! *shakes fist*

As we enter the house I wonder whether to mention my crippling fear of enclosed spaces, but Barbara immediately starts her spiel:
“This cozy warped forest abode is perfect for a young single lady looking to start a new life in the Nether! The finishing touches include locally-sourced warped planks, Shroomlights, and blackstone from the nearby basalt delta. The surrounding forest is brimming with resources including mushrooms, weeping vines, warped roots, and warped fungus. We have quite a few other players coming in to see it, so act fast! What do you think? Cristina?”

Uh oh

“Are you alright?”

*Melts into a puddle of sweat* *Whimper*

When I come to my senses, we’re back in the forest – except it’s red now? Barbara’s standing over me with her usual sweet salesy smile.
当我恢复意识时,我们依旧身处森林 —— 只是它变成了红色?Barbara站在我的身旁,带着甜美而商业化的微笑看着我
“I took the liberty of bringing you to our next property since you don' t seem to handle enclosed spaces too well. Feeling better? Alright. Follow me.”
“由于你看起来对付不了密闭的空间,我于是自作主张,将你带到了下一处房产 —— 这儿 .现在感觉好些了吗?好的,那么请跟着我
I decide not to dwell on how she got me here or why my gold necklace is gone. After all, Babs is a pro. We climb some (very much not edible ) red vines and reach... a tree house. Well, a  fungus  house.
我决定不再纠结她是怎么带我到这里的以及我的金项链为何不知所踪.毕竟,Babs(Barbara的昵称)是个不可多得的专家.在攀登了一段无比漫长的红色藤蔓后我们到达了 … 一间树屋 —— 一间“菌”屋
You can barely even see it! On second thought, that might be an advantage in the Nether.
你甚至几乎看不到它 ! 换个方向想这在下界里也许是件好事

“Barbara,you know I'm technically an adult, right?”

“Keep an open mind, dear! This little crimson plank cottage is perfect for the explorer that just wants a place to respawn and craft. Plus, the elevation keeps any unwanted Piglin guests at bay! Most of the time. This area is very rich in activities – you can mine, chop stems, pick mushrooms, and even hunt Hoglins! ”
“凡事要往好处想,亲爱的!这小小的深红木屋对一个想要有一个重生和工作的去所的探险者来说是绝妙的选择!此外,这样的海拔能将所有不请自来的猪灵们拒之门外!大多数时候在这里你都不会无事可做 —— 你可以选择去挖矿、伐木 、采蘑菇,甚至是猎杀猪灵!”
“Can I fit a bathtub in it?”

“Probably not.”

“What else can you show me?”


Given that I fainted by simply being inside a cave house, I’m a bit disappointed that Barbara brought me here. She’s supposed to be a pro. This cavern doesn’t just lookterrifying – it sounds terrifying. If this is the price of independence, I’d rather sleep on my dad’s new yet somehow already dust-covered bench press.
如果我仅仅因为一间洞穴小屋而晕倒,那么我对Barbara带我到个地方感到失望 —— 她本应是个专家.这个大山洞不仅看起来可怖 —— 听起来更是如此.如果只有这里的房价我负担得起,我宁愿在父亲那已经在某种程度上覆满灰尘的卧推上睡觉.

Thanks, Babs. *slow clap*

“Umm,Barbara?Why are there bones everywhere? And what are those ominous whispers?”

“Trust me, dear, you'll change your mind once y-”
“相信我,亲爱的,你必须改变想法,一旦你 —— ”


I'm suddenly woken up by an affectionate scream


“Cristina, thank goodness you're more or less in one piece!”

“Sofia?What happened?”

“I saw you next to that Piglin lady and shot a fire charge at her to save you,but I might have underestimated the blast radius”

“That was Barbara, the Nether real estate agent!”

“Oh.So she's ** that hasn't been rturning my calls then.In that case,justice is served”

“Perfectly appropriate response.I'm sure she has a respawn anchor anyway”

“Yeah, probably. I've heard she's a real pro.So guess what,I was running aw–I mean,chasing a Zoglin when I stumbled upon this awesome cottage that seems to be deserted. It even has a bathtub!”
“是的,也许吧.我听说她是个真正的专家.所以你猜怎么着?我当时正在逃跑 —— 呃我是说我在追杀一只疣猪兽,然后我误入了这个看起来已经荒废了的美妙小屋,它甚至还有个浴缸!”

“Does it also have an extra bedroom?”



And that's how Sofia and I became roommates sharing a two-bedroom cottage in a soul sand valley biome. It's nice as long as you don't mess with the Ghasts. And yes, I run into some skeletons from time to time, but let's be honest: it's not like I leave the house that often, if ever.
这就是我和 Sofia 成为室友并一起分享一间坐落在灵魂沙山谷里的两室小屋的故事.这间屋子几乎是完美的,只要你还对付的来恶魂的话.诚然,我虽一次又一次地遭遇骷髅们,但凭良心说:我并不会那么频繁地离开屋子,如果我胆敢这么做的话.

Oh, and it turns out that Barbara's tour wasn't even close to being over. There was another listing in a nearby basalt delta, but then again - who wants to live there?
噢,顺带一提,其实Barbara的行程尚未结束,还有另一个行程表罗列着诸如一个在附近的玄武岩三角洲的去所,然而还是那句话 —— 又有谁会想去呢?

Nobody,Not even Barbara

Would I recommend moving to the Nether? Well, I might be biased because Sofia's mushroom stew is absolutely divine and I've learned to make bath bombs out of crimson roots. But now that I've had some time to reflect and heal from the fire charge incident, there's a strange, addictive charm i n the beautiful yet dangerous biomes of the Nether.Why not give Barbara a call and book your own tour?I'm sure she'll be happy to do it, as long as you're wearing gold.
所以我会推荐你搬来下界吗?唔,我可能会有些因 Sofia的犹如天赐一般美味的蘑菇汤以及用诡异树根制作的浴盐而有失偏颇,但当我现在终于有时间从火焰弹事件中缓过神时,我的确在这美丽而又危险的下界光景里感受到诡异而令人着迷的魅力

[作者:Cristina Anderca]

本帖最后由 Azitate 于 2020-6-25 22:41 编辑



🥥哥 我来🌶️


我看原文把moving house翻译成了移动的房子


selfishly 不是 selfless
Nether 官译下界

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