本帖最后由 skyliye 于 2020-6-7 17:31 编辑
[18:17:45] [Netty Server IO #2/INFO]: Disconnecting Player: This server has mods that require FML/Forge to be installed on the client: [Advanced Solar Panels, Applied Energistics 2, Baubles, Botania, CustomNPCs, Ender IO, Ender IO Applied Energistics Conduits, Ender IO Base, Ender IO Conduits, Ender IO Integration with Forestry, Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct, Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct, Ender IO Machines, Ender IO Open Computers Conduits, Ender IO Powertools, Ender IO Refined Storage Conduits, EnderCore, FoxBlade Extra, Gravitation Suite, IndustrialCraft 2, Infernal Mobs, Iron Chest, Mysterious Mountain Lib, NegroeRouse, Sakura, SlashBlade, SlashBlade Japanese Addon Pack, ** Probe, Varied Commodities, custommc] [18:19:14] [User Authenticator #2/INFO]: UUID of player xiao_gou520 is 7a94b8fc-805a-39d8-a772-dac8431aa4e5 [18:19:14] [Netty Server IO #0/INFO]: Client protocol version 2 [18:19:14] [Netty Server IO #0/INFO]: Client attempting to join with 4 mods : [url=mailto:[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]][email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected][/url] [18:19:14] [Netty Server IO #0/INFO]: Attempting connection with missing mods [anothercommonbugfix, variedcommodities, negorerouse, slashblade_addon, advanced_solar_panels, appliedenergistics2, baubles, customnpcs, ftblib, ic2, jei, mm_lib, sakura, flammpfeil.slashblade, theoneprobe, endercore, enderio, enderiobase, enderioconduitsappliedenergistics, enderioconduitsopencomputers, enderioconduitsrefinedstorage, enderioconduits, enderiointegrationforestry, enderiointegrationtic, enderiointegrationticlate, enderiomachines, enderiopowertools, botania, foxex, infernalmobs, custommc, gravisuite, ironchest] at CLIENT [18:19:14] [Netty Server IO #0/INFO]: Rejecting connection CLIENT: Advanced Solar Panels: Requires version 4.2.0 but mod is not found on client. Applied Energistics 2: Requires version rv6-stable-7 but mod is not found on client. Baubles: Requires version 1.5.2 but mod is not found on client. Botania: Requires version r1.10-363 but mod is not found on client. CustomNPCs: Requires version 1.12 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Applied Energistics Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Base: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Integration with Forestry: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Machines: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Open Computers Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Powertools: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Refined Storage Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. EnderCore: Requires version 1.12.2-0.5.73 but mod is not found on client. FoxBlade Extra: Requires version 1.0.0 but mod is not found on client. Gravitation Suite: Requires version 3.1.1 but mod is not found on client. IndustrialCraft 2: Requires version 2.8.187-ex112 but mod is not found on client. Infernal Mobs: Requires version 1.7.5 but mod is not found on client. Iron Chest: Requires version 1.12.2- but mod is not found on client. Mysterious Mountain Lib: Requires version 1.0.0 but mod is not found on client. NegroeRouse: Requires version r1 but mod is not found on client. Sakura: Requires version V0.0.9.1-MC1.12.2 but mod is not found on client. SlashBlade: Requires version mc1.12-r32 but mod is not found on client. SlashBlade Japanese Addon Pack: Requires version 1.0.7 but mod is not found on client. ** Probe: Requires version 1.4.28 but mod is not found on client. Varied Commodities: Requires version 1.12.2 but mod is not found on client. custommc: Requires version 1.0v but mod is not found on client. [18:19:14] [Netty Server IO #0/ERROR]: Network Disconnect: Server Mod rejections: Advanced Solar Panels: Requires version 4.2.0 but mod is not found on client. Applied Energistics 2: Requires version rv6-stable-7 but mod is not found on client. Baubles: Requires version 1.5.2 but mod is not found on client. Botania: Requires version r1.10-363 but mod is not found on client. CustomNPCs: Requires version 1.12 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Applied Energistics Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Base: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Integration with Forestry: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Machines: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Open Computers Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Powertools: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Refined Storage Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. EnderCore: Requires version 1.12.2-0.5.73 but mod is not found on client. FoxBlade Extra: Requires version 1.0.0 but mod is not found on client. Gravitation Suite: Requires version 3.1.1 but mod is not found on client. IndustrialCraft 2: Requires version 2.8.187-ex112 but mod is not found on client. Infernal Mobs: Requires version 1.7.5 but mod is not found on client. Iron Chest: Requires version 1.12.2- but mod is not found on client. Mysterious Mountain Lib: Requires version 1.0.0 but mod is not found on client. NegroeRouse: Requires version r1 but mod is not found on client. Sakura: Requires version V0.0.9.1-MC1.12.2 but mod is not found on client. SlashBlade: Requires version mc1.12-r32 but mod is not found on client. SlashBlade Japanese Addon Pack: Requires version 1.0.7 but mod is not found on client. ** Probe: Requires version 1.4.28 but mod is not found on client. Varied Commodities: Requires version 1.12.2 but mod is not found on client. custommc: Requires version 1.0v but mod is not found on client. [18:19:14] [Server thread/INFO]: xiao_gou520 lost connection: Server Mod rejections: Advanced Solar Panels: Requires version 4.2.0 but mod is not found on client. Applied Energistics 2: Requires version rv6-stable-7 but mod is not found on client. Baubles: Requires version 1.5.2 but mod is not found on client. Botania: Requires version r1.10-363 but mod is not found on client. CustomNPCs: Requires version 1.12 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Applied Energistics Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Base: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Integration with Forestry: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Machines: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Open Computers Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Powertools: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Refined Storage Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. EnderCore: Requires version 1.12.2-0.5.73 but mod is not found on client. FoxBlade Extra: Requires version 1.0.0 but mod is not found on client. Gravitation Suite: Requires version 3.1.1 but mod is not found on client. IndustrialCraft 2: Requires version 2.8.187-ex112 but mod is not found on client. Infernal Mobs: Requires version 1.7.5 but mod is not found on client. Iron Chest: Requires version 1.12.2- but mod is not found on client. Mysterious Mountain Lib: Requires version 1.0.0 but mod is not found on client. NegroeRouse: Requires version r1 but mod is not found on client. Sakura: Requires version V0.0.9.1-MC1.12.2 but mod is not found on client. SlashBlade: Requires version mc1.12-r32 but mod is not found on client. SlashBlade Japanese Addon Pack: Requires version 1.0.7 but mod is not found on client. ** Probe: Requires version 1.4.28 but mod is not found on client. Varied Commodities: Requires version 1.12.2 but mod is not found on client. custommc: Requires version 1.0v but mod is not found on client. [18:26:16] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22127/INFO]: [Marriage] Purged 0 player entries in 2ms [18:26:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [公告] 欢迎来到MC世界, 如果你的私有财产遭到熊孩子破坏, 请截图联系管理QQ [18:36:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [公告] 恶意破坏他人建筑而不知悔改与不赔偿的, 将会封禁帐号, 严重情节禁止你整个城市玩家进入��务器 [18:41:28] [User Authenticator #3/INFO]: UUID of player xiao_gou520 is 7a94b8fc-805a-39d8-a772-dac8431aa4e5 [18:41:29] [Netty Server IO #0/INFO]: Client protocol version 2 [18:41:29] [Netty Server IO #0/INFO]: Client attempting to join with 4 mods : [url=mailto:[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]][email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected][/url] [18:41:29] [Netty Server IO #0/INFO]: Attempting connection with missing mods [anothercommonbugfix, variedcommodities, negorerouse, slashblade_addon, advanced_solar_panels, appliedenergistics2, baubles, customnpcs, ftblib, ic2, jei, mm_lib, sakura, flammpfeil.slashblade, theoneprobe, endercore, enderio, enderiobase, enderioconduitsappliedenergistics, enderioconduitsopencomputers, enderioconduitsrefinedstorage, enderioconduits, enderiointegrationforestry, enderiointegrationtic, enderiointegrationticlate, enderiomachines, enderiopowertools, botania, foxex, infernalmobs, custommc, gravisuite, ironchest] at CLIENT [18:41:29] [Netty Server IO #0/INFO]: Rejecting connection CLIENT: Advanced Solar Panels: Requires version 4.2.0 but mod is not found on client. Applied Energistics 2: Requires version rv6-stable-7 but mod is not found on client. Baubles: Requires version 1.5.2 but mod is not found on client. Botania: Requires version r1.10-363 but mod is not found on client. CustomNPCs: Requires version 1.12 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Applied Energistics Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Base: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Integration with Forestry: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Machines: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Open Computers Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Powertools: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Refined Storage Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. EnderCore: Requires version 1.12.2-0.5.73 but mod is not found on client. FoxBlade Extra: Requires version 1.0.0 but mod is not found on client. Gravitation Suite: Requires version 3.1.1 but mod is not found on client. IndustrialCraft 2: Requires version 2.8.187-ex112 but mod is not found on client. Infernal Mobs: Requires version 1.7.5 but mod is not found on client. Iron Chest: Requires version 1.12.2- but mod is not found on client. Mysterious Mountain Lib: Requires version 1.0.0 but mod is not found on client. NegroeRouse: Requires version r1 but mod is not found on client. Sakura: Requires version V0.0.9.1-MC1.12.2 but mod is not found on client. SlashBlade: Requires version mc1.12-r32 but mod is not found on client. SlashBlade Japanese Addon Pack: Requires version 1.0.7 but mod is not found on client. ** Probe: Requires version 1.4.28 but mod is not found on client. Varied Commodities: Requires version 1.12.2 but mod is not found on client. custommc: Requires version 1.0v but mod is not found on client. [18:41:29] [Netty Server IO #0/ERROR]: Network Disconnect: Server Mod rejections: Advanced Solar Panels: Requires version 4.2.0 but mod is not found on client. Applied Energistics 2: Requires version rv6-stable-7 but mod is not found on client. Baubles: Requires version 1.5.2 but mod is not found on client. Botania: Requires version r1.10-363 but mod is not found on client. CustomNPCs: Requires version 1.12 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Applied Energistics Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Base: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Integration with Forestry: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Machines: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Open Computers Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Powertools: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Refined Storage Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. EnderCore: Requires version 1.12.2-0.5.73 but mod is not found on client. FoxBlade Extra: Requires version 1.0.0 but mod is not found on client. Gravitation Suite: Requires version 3.1.1 but mod is not found on client. IndustrialCraft 2: Requires version 2.8.187-ex112 but mod is not found on client. Infernal Mobs: Requires version 1.7.5 but mod is not found on client. Iron Chest: Requires version 1.12.2- but mod is not found on client. Mysterious Mountain Lib: Requires version 1.0.0 but mod is not found on client. NegroeRouse: Requires version r1 but mod is not found on client. Sakura: Requires version V0.0.9.1-MC1.12.2 but mod is not found on client. SlashBlade: Requires version mc1.12-r32 but mod is not found on client. SlashBlade Japanese Addon Pack: Requires version 1.0.7 but mod is not found on client. ** Probe: Requires version 1.4.28 but mod is not found on client. Varied Commodities: Requires version 1.12.2 but mod is not found on client. custommc: Requires version 1.0v but mod is not found on client. [18:41:29] [Server thread/INFO]: xiao_gou520 lost connection: Server Mod rejections: Advanced Solar Panels: Requires version 4.2.0 but mod is not found on client. Applied Energistics 2: Requires version rv6-stable-7 but mod is not found on client. Baubles: Requires version 1.5.2 but mod is not found on client. Botania: Requires version r1.10-363 but mod is not found on client. CustomNPCs: Requires version 1.12 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Applied Energistics Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Base: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Integration with Forestry: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Machines: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Open Computers Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Powertools: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. Ender IO Refined Storage Conduits: Requires version 5.1.55 but mod is not found on client. EnderCore: Requires version 1.12.2-0.5.73 but mod is not found on client. FoxBlade Extra: Requires version 1.0.0 but mod is not found on client. Gravitation Suite: Requires version 3.1.1 but mod is not found on client. IndustrialCraft 2: Requires version 2.8.187-ex112 but mod is not found on client. Infernal Mobs: Requires version 1.7.5 but mod is not found on client. Iron Chest: Requires version 1.12.2- but mod is not found on client. Mysterious Mountain Lib: Requires version 1.0.0 but mod is not found on client. NegroeRouse: Requires version r1 but mod is not found on client. Sakura: Requires version V0.0.9.1-MC1.12.2 but mod is not found on client. SlashBlade: Requires version mc1.12-r32 but mod is not found on client. SlashBlade Japanese Addon Pack: Requires version 1.0.7 but mod is not found on client. ** Probe: Requires version 1.4.28 but mod is not found on client. Varied Commodities: Requires version 1.12.2 but mod is not found on client. custommc: Requires version 1.0v but mod is not found on client. [18:46:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [公告] 使用第三方软件游玩的玩家, 他的物品将会成为明日的福利~ [18:56:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [公告] 绑定物品只需拿着物品输入miao即可打开绑定菜单,VIP用户输入miaovip即可 [19:06:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [公告] 玩家不要将领地权限轻易地给予他人, 否则领地遭到破坏管理会跟你玩躲猫猫的哦 [19:16:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [公告] 服务器禁止以任何方式私下RMB交易, 管理员24小时在线巡查, 一经发现双方ban号 [19:26:32] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22267/INFO]: [Marriage] Purged 0 player entries in 4ms [19:26:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [公告] 你在服务器游玩的每一分钟都是对服务器最好的支持! [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at java.net.TwoStacksPlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.<init>(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getNewHttpClient(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect0(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.connect(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at cn.i8mc.vexrmb.URLCheck.checkOrders(URLCheck.java:256) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at cn.i8mc.vexrmb.util.OrderUtil.checkOrdersStatus(OrderUtil.java:8) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at cn.i8mc.vexrmb.Main$2.run(Main.java:209) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:76) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.scheduler.CraftAsyncTask.run(CraftAsyncTask.java:52) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) [19:27:53] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22272/WARN]: at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) |
WARN是https://www.mcbbs.net/thread-851051-1-1.html 这个插件在尝试进行网络访问的时候出了问题 (好像是检查订单状态的时候出了问题
WARN是https://www.mcbbs.net/thread-851051-1-1.html 这个插件在尝试进行网络访问的时候出了问题 (好像是检查订单状态的时候出了问题