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Pyramid Perfection
Trydar shares some cryptic Egyptian design!

Per Landin

Dark. Damp. Dangerous. Three D’s that are usually best avoided, especially if you’re trapped with them in a true horrorshow of a ** - one that also features tombs, cobwebs and a dusty old mummy that you just know is about to come back to life. The Egyptian pyramid isn’t just a structure of legend – it’s a downright horrifying place!

Sure, there are supposed to be untold treasures hidden inside for a Pharaoh to use in the afterlife, but who in their right mind could appreciate this sort of vile contraption?

Meet today’s builder, Trydar ! Not only is he in his right mind, but he’s also something of an expert in the field of Egyptian-themed Minecraft builds - pyramids in particular.

Trydar offers plenty of reasons to love the aesthetics of an over 5,000ish-year-old civilisation. “It has that ancient, arcane, inscrutable and utterly unknowable vibe to it that you can just stare at and go 'wow',” he says, of ancient Egypt. “It’s simple in form, massive in size, yet very nuanced in its details. There is just a timeless elegance to it.”

Trydar has dabbled in ancient architecture since he started playing Minecraft back in 2013. He’s experimented with several different styles, such as Greco-Roman and medieval. His greatest focus, however, has been the Egyptian-style theme where he combines both old and futuristic elements - historical builds with a welcome layer of modern design.

“I have a lifelong interest in ancient architecture, lost cities, and vanished cultures,” he says. “I have a small library of books I read, and I collect images from the internet of what has been built in the past and I examine design ideas and motifs that I find interesting.”

While Trydar strived to be historically accurate with some builds, he takes liberties with others in order to make them more appealing, like his pyramids that aim for an “archaic tech look”. He finds inspiration in the aesthetics of popular culture, such as the Stargate series and historical strategy games. And it is in this mix between old and new that Trydar finds his own unique style.

“I’m not afraid to change a time honoured design if I think I can improve on it, which is a big part of the enjoyment I get out of building.”

Recently, Trydar has made plenty of objects and maps on the theme of Ancient Egypt. Obelisks , statues , and even big cities like Akhetaten and Hamunaptra .
在本文落笔之前,Trydar 建造了大量的古埃|及相关的结构与地图。比如说方尖碑、雕像甚至还有像 Akhetaten 与 Hamunaptra一样的大城市。

Plus, since the Bountiful Update in 2014, Trydar has been able to use the same materials the Egyptians themselves used in their constructions.
顺带一说,在缤纷世界更新之后,Trydar 终于可以开始使用和古埃|及人一样的建筑材料了。

“Without the introduction of diorite, andesite and granite, my Egyptian style wouldn’t be what it is,” says Trydar. “At first I had no idea what to do with the new stone types, so I played around with them for a while, and now I rely on them heavily in all of my building styles.”
“要是我的建筑没有闪长岩、安山岩和花岗岩这些元素的话,我的埃|及风建筑很可能就不是现在这样了,” Trydar 这么说道。“我一开始其实并不知道该怎么处理这些新添加的石头种类,所以我拿他们耍了一耍,结果发现还挺上手,所以现在我所有的建筑没了它们可不行了。真香。

In the end it’s not just about the materials used, but the “Egyptian template” itself that draws Trydar to work with this specific style. He describes it as straightforward and honest – totally opposite to western art.

“[Its] statues for instance aren't meant to look real, because they aren't real – they are made of stone and have that rigid quality readily apparent. I think this suits Minecraft well, because there is a point where you can have too much detail in your builds, and they begin to resemble things that they are not, and as a builder one needs to know when adding more would end up being less. Also, everyone loves a good mummy movie, right?”


Mummies are terrifying! Did you know for example that the part of the mummification involved the removal of the brain through the mummy’s nostrils? A horrible thought considering Trydar is currently working hard to add tombs to the interior of his pyramid builds. After that, there’s no telling what he’ll end up doing next.
木乃伊是真的可怕!比如说,你知道木乃伊制作的时候,人们要从木乃伊的鼻子里把脑子吸出来吗?考虑到Trydar 还在不断地增加金字塔里的墓穴数量,这一点就变得非常可怕了,他建完了之后谁知道他会接着干出什么事呢?

|"I’m not afraid to change a time honoured design if I think I can improve on it."


“It will depend on where the winds of imagination take me, possibly back to Rome for some more city building, or back to finish [my] Trinity Cathedral , off to the ancient and misty lands of Chin, or even back to Atlantis for some futuristic skyscraper construction. I really can’t say for sure, but I know I will very much enjoy doing it.”

Sounds great, Trydar! But first, how about building me an exit to this pyramid? T-trydar? Hello?

【本人 译自官网 2018 年 04 月 12 日发布的 Pyramid Perfection





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